David Karki
David is a born and raised
Minnesotan with a lifelong interest in politics, majoring in Political
Science at St. Olaf College in Northfield in 1994 before serving as an
assistant press secretary on Sen. Rudy Boschwitz's 1996 U.S. Senate
campaign. Since then, he has worked in the IT field (developing a
healthy love/hate relationship with Microsoft) and cheered rabidly for
the Minnesota Vikings at every opportunity. He presently resides in
Bloomington, Minnesota.
Previous Columns
Obama's Health Care Speech: Republicans,
Stay Away! - September 9, 2009
Ted Kennedy’s Dead; Can We Stop Lying
About Him? - September 2, 2009
ObamaCare and the Bigger Picture - August
26, 2009
The Strategy for Defeating ObamaCare -
August 19, 2009
Health Care: The True Obama, Pelosi and
GOP Revealed - August 12, 2009
If We Ignore Its Limits on Government, the
Constitution Can’t Protect Us from Tyranny - August 5, 2009
GOP Only Needs One Argument: Obama’s
Agenda is Unconstitutional - July 29, 2009
A Tyrannical Power Grab Masquerading as
‘Health Care’ - July 22, 2009
Who’s Scared of Sarah Palin . . . And Why
- July 15, 2009
The Last Independence Day? - July 8, 2009
Stop the Delusional Greenies, At All Costs
- July 1, 2009
Her Name Was Neda - June 24, 2009
Obama Health Care: Run Out The Clock to
Save America - June 17, 2009
Obama's Execrable Speech to Muslims - June
10, 2009
As California Goes, So Goes the Nation . .
. Straight to Financial Ruin - June 3, 2009
The End of the Auto Industry . . . and
America - June 1, 2009
The Anti-Teddy Roosevelt: Obama Blathers
On and Does Nothing - May 27, 2009
Cheney Takes Obama Behind the Woodshed -
May 25, 2009
Obama: Don't You Dare Do For Yourself -
May 20, 2009
GOP, This Really Isn’t That Hard: Simple
Principles, Clearly Stated - May 13, 2009
Obama Channels His Inner Stalin - May 6,
Democrats or Romulans: The Star Trek Model
for GOP Resistance - April 29, 2009
Tea Parties, Then and Now - April 22, 2009
The Tyranny of the Carbon Control Freaks -
April 15, 2009
The Iowa Supreme Court's Thuggery - April
8, 2009
Taxation Makes Us the April Fools - April
1, 2009
Our Despicable, Unconscionable, Dangerous
Government - March 25, 2009
America Committing Suicide From Within -
March 18, 2009
Oppose the Green Agenda, or Surrender Your
Freedom - March 11, 2009
Obama’s Enablers: Thanks for Nothing,
Vichy Republicans - March 4, 2009
Obama and Jindal: The Children are In
Charge - February 25, 2009
The Death of the Republic - February 18,
Collins, Snowe and Specter: Expel the
Three Treasonous Stooges - February 11, 2009
Resistance Is Not Futile: Will We Let
Democrats Assimilate America? - February 4, 2009
The Spoiled Brat-in-Chief (And His Media
Creators) - January 28, 2009
Liberals: A Real-Life Cartoon - January
21, 2009
Congressional Republicans Won’t Be Allowed
to Do Their Jobs, So Why Show Up? - January 14, 2009
Israel’s Battle, and the Morally Bankrupt
West - January 7, 2009
Happy New Debt! - December 31, 2008
Sarah Palin: A Voice in the Wilderness -
December 24, 2008
Thank You, President Bush, For Keeping Us
Free of Scandal and Terrorism - December 17, 2008
The Remaining Republicans and the Power of
‘No’ - December 10, 2008
The Greenies Are Coming! The Greenies Are
Coming! - December 3, 2008
Obama Is Introduced to Reality - November
24, 2008
Words Mean Things, So Gay ‘Marriage’
Simply Isn’t - November 18, 2008
Al Franken's Slow-Motion Cheating -
November 17, 2008
OK, Republicans, Maybe Now You See: Being
Watered-Down Democrats Doesn’t Work - November 10, 2008
What Went Wrong for Conservatives, and Can
It Ever Be Right Again? - November 5, 2008
Democrats Decry Socialism Label: Methinks
They Doth Protest Too Much - November 3, 2008
Peter vs. Paul: Is America About to Split?
- October 27, 2008
Halfway to a Banana Republic - October 20,
Another Time For Choosing - October 13,
McCain Needs to Fight Harder Than This -
October 6, 2008
If We Must Have the Bailout, At Least
Follow These Principles - September 29, 2008
Wall Street: The Cure Is Worse Than the
Disease - September 22, 2008
Nancy Pelosi: The Millstone Hung Round
Obama's Neck - September 15, 2008
Sarah Palin: In One Night, A Star is Born
- September 8, 2008
Palin Gets the Call, and the Tide Turns -
September 2, 2008
Obama: Some Show from the Emperor With No
Clothes - September 1, 2008
Obama’s Unconstitutional Assault on ‘The
Rich’ - August 25, 2008
Russia’s Aggression:
Old Communist Habits Die Hard - August 18, 2008
The Obama Campaign: Puerile, Juvenile,
Infantile - August 11, 2008
GOP House Members
Stage Mini-Rebellion: It’s the American Oil Party - August 8,
Drilling is a Veto Away for the Grand Oil
Party - August 4, 2008
Obama in Berlin: Ich Bin Ein Beginner -
July 28, 2008
Democrats Love Expensive Gas; It Restricts
Driving . . . and Freedom - July 22, 2008
Obama: The Creepiness Factor - July 21,
Purge Congress, Because We’re Sure Not
Getting Much from the Next President - July 14, 2008
Question Obama's Patriotism? Yes I Can,
Yes I Can! - July 7, 2008
Second Amendment Upheld, But Why Did It
Need to Be In the First Place? - June 30, 2008
Hammer Obama on
Energy, and Maybe the Gutless Old Party Can Win After All - June
23, 2008
Supreme Stupidity:
Impeach the Imperial Five - June 16, 2008
Barack Obama: The
Most Radical, Unqualified Presidential Candidate Ever - June 10,
Cap and Trade: The End of America - June
9, 2008
The World Dithers While Iran Goes Nuclear
- June 2, 2008
The Enemy Is In the Mirror - May 26, 2008
The Liberal Journey: From Detached from
Reality to Unlimited Power - May 19, 2008
Conservative Have Bailed: Now What? - May
12, 2008
Conservatives: Time to Abandon the
Republican Ship - May 9, 2008
Government-Free Education: Do It For the
Children - May 5, 2008
Conservatives' Unease With McCain - April
28, 2008
If Obama Can’t Handle Charles Gibson,
Democratic Trainwreck Looms - April 22, 2008
Energy Policy: Drill, Baby, Drill . . . Or
Get Ready For Hell - April 21, 2008
Pelosi Betrays Colombia: The Left’s
Alphabet Soup Base Demands No Less - April 14, 2008
Iraq Hearings: The Execrable Speaker
Pelosi - April 7, 2008
John McCain Leads the Gutless Old Party -
March 31, 2008
Fighting the Left’s Control Agenda - March
24, 2008
The Liberal Agenda:
It’s Obviously Not to Solve Anything, So It Must Be Control -
March 17, 2008
Have Rush Limbaugh
and GOP Crossovers Helped Revive a Nightmare Ticket? - March 10,
Hillary's Swan Song? - March 4, 2008
The Cold War Never
Ended; Media, Education and Hollywood are the New Soviets -
March 3, 2008
Children’s Deaths Reveal the Lethality of Liberalism - February
25, 2008
The Dangerous
Substance of Barack Obama - February 18, 2008
The Conservative Quandary: Hillary Clinton
or Barack Obama?
- February 12, 2008
John McCain's CPAC Speech Falls Flat; Will
His Campaign? - February 11, 2008
John McCain’s Triumph Leaves No Left or
Lefter, Just Up Or Down - February 4, 2008
Hey, Al Gore! Give Me
Light Bulbs and Thermostats or Give Me Death! - January 28, 2008
The GOP: Going the Way of the Whigs -
January 21, 2008
Thank You, Michigan,
for Stopping John McCain’s Coronation - January 17, 2008
The Press and the
Primaries: A Tale Told by Shakespearean Idiots - January 14,
Obama and Huckabee in
Iowa: Oprah vs. ‘Jesus’ - January 7, 2008
Pakistan After
Benazir Bhutto: No Good Answers - December 31, 2007
Inconvenient Truths
for Al Gore about Global Warming - December 21, 2007
How to Stop Incidents
Like Coloraro Shooting? More People Carrying Guns! - December
12, 2007
Mitt Romney’s
Problem: The Liberalism, Not the Mormonism - December 10, 2007
Preposterousness: Iowa and New Hampshire Can Kiss My Ass -
December 3, 2007
If You Have a ‘Right’ to
Goods and Services, then Hillary Can Make Me a Slave - November 26, 2007
Reality: Unrecognizable to
Denial-Afflicted Democrats - November 19, 2007
Minneapolis Bridge ‘Victims’
On Board for the Sickest Lottery Imaginable - November 12, 2007
Without Private Property
Rights, Other Rights Don't Mean Much - November 6, 2007
So, Empress Inevitable
Hillary Clinton Has No Clothes - November 5, 2007
Democratic Congress: A
Perverse Pride in Doing Nothing - October 31, 2007
California Wildfires Prompt
the Intervention: Democrats, Meet the Truth - October 29, 2007
God Help Us if the Democrats
Actually Believe the Things They Say - October 22, 2007
While Hillary Marches On,
Where Is the Fight in the Right? - October 15, 2007
SCHIP = Socialist HillaryCare - October 8, 2007
What Ahmedinejad Reveals About Us - October 1,
What Will It Be? Freedom or HillaryCare? -
September 24, 2007
While Dems Slander,
Gen. Petraeus Brings Forth Truth from Iraq - September 12, 2007
As New Orleans Descends into Chaos, Liberalism’s
Failure is Undeniable - September 10, 2007
Senator Larry Craig and ‘Hypocrisy’ - September 3,
Alberto Gonzales Leaves a
Job Only a Masochist Could Want - August 28, 2007
The War Against Liberals for America’s Future: Are
Conservatives Up for It? - August 27, 2007
Petraeus Report Looms: Can the Democrats Please
Grow Up? - August 20, 2007
Liberals Cause, Then Exploit, Minneapolis Bridge
Collapse - August 13, 2007
Minneapolis Bridge
Collapse: It's Not For Lack of Tax Dollars - August 3, 2007
Democrats’ Three Choices: Cut the Funds, Impeach
or Shut Up - July 30, 2007
Democrats’ Goal: America the Kleptocracy - July
23, 2007
Calling the Democrats Out for Seeking America’s
Defeat in Iraq - July 16, 2007
Live Earth: Al Gore’s Hypocrisy on Parade - July
9, 2007
Freedom Undercut by Censorship this Fourth of July - July 2, 2007
The Dangerous Ethanol Boondoggle - June 25, 2007
Stopping Illegal Immigration: You Don't Have to Like It, You Just
Have to Do It - June 18, 2007
Next for the Nanny State: The American Wall? - June 11, 2007
Afraid, Very Afraid, of Comrade Hillary - June 4, 2007
Iran's Ahmadinejad: Would
Someone Please Shut This Twerp Up? - May 28, 2007
Amnesty: The Lawless Aiding the Lawless - May 21, 2007
Mad About High Gas Prices? Politicians Did It - May 14, 2007
Congress's 'Hate Crime' Against the Constitution - May 7, 2007
Iraq 'Is Lost', Who Won? - April 30, 2007
Moral Weakness Leads to Death at Virginia Tech - April 23, 2007
Pluribus Kills the Unum - April 16, 2007
Slap Constitution Cuffs on San Fran Nan - April 9, 2007
The Liberal Borg: Resistance Is Not Futile - April 2, 2007
America's Frogs in the
Slowly Boiling Tax Water - March 26, 2007
Enemies Foreign and
Domestic - March 19, 2007
Education: Exposing the
Big Lie - March 12, 2007
Overgrown Children Run
the Asylum - March 5, 2007
You Say You Want a
Revolution? - February 26, 2007
The Vichy Republicans -
February 19, 2007
They're From the
Government and They're Here to Help - February 12, 2007
The Cult of Liberalism
- February 5, 2007
No Harming America!
That's Our Job! - January 29, 2007
Democrats on Iraq:
Unserious, Infantile, Pusillanimous - January 22, 2007
Universal Communist
Health Care - January 15, 2007
Socialism Beckons; Do
Conservatives Have Any Fight Left? - January 8, 2007
If You Can't Say
Anything Nice . . . - January 1, 2007
Bread and Circuses -
December 25, 2006
We Are Not Entitled to a Living - December 18,
America's Will to Win
Is Gone - December 13, 2006
Senators to Exxon: Tow
the Line Or Else - December 6, 2006
The Hand That Won't
Rock the Cradle - November 29, 2006
Does Anyone Feel the
Crush of the Leviathan? - November 22, 2006
No Time to Lick GOP
Wounds - November 15, 2006
Media Wins Election;
God Help Us All - November 8, 2006
What If the Guaranteed
Dem Win Doesn't Happen? - November 1, 2006
The Grownups vs. the
Children - October 25, 2006
Is This Really The Best
We Can Do? - October 18, 2006
Thank Jimmuh and Bubba
- October 11, 2006
Democrat 'Outrage': The
Ultimate in Chutzpah - October 4, 2006
McCain Has Disqualified
Himself for the Presidency - September 27, 2006
Awesome Bush Speech
Will Force Muslims and UN to Choose - September 20, 2006
The Dems Must Lose, At
All Costs - September 13, 2006
The Control Agenda -
September 6, 2006
The Biggest Big of Them
All: Big Government - August 30, 2006
What Would Harry Do? -
August 23, 2006
Refusing To See the
Obvious - August 16, 2006
Excitement for Cuba as
Fidel Faces the Heat - August 9, 2006
North Korea:
Sooner Rather Than Later - August 2, 2006
Stem Cells: Our
Brave New World - July 26, 2006
Mideast Turmoil:
Calling a Spade a Spade - July 19, 2006
The Treason of the
- June 28, 2006
Democrats: GOP's Best
Friend, Conservative's Nightmare - June 14, 2006
A Second American
Revolution? - May 31, 2006
Words Mean Things, Or
At Least They Used To - May 17, 2006
Iran: America's Coming
'Flight 93' Moment - May 3, 2006
Gas 'Crisis': Courtesy
Of Your Friendly Environmentalist - April 26, 2006
The War on the
Automobile - April 12, 2006
Mexico Is Not Our
Friend - April 5, 2006
$90,000,000,000,000 Among Friends? - March 22. 2006
Do-Gooderism: First
Refuge of a Scoundrel - March 8, 2006
The Harm the Income Tax
Hath Wrought - March 1, 2006
Illegals Raise Middle
Finger to Law While U.S. Dithers - February 15, 2006
We Are All Agent Smiths
Now - February 8, 2006
Global Warming: An
Inconvenient Fraud - February 1, 2006
Missing the Point About
Abramoff - January 18, 2006
A Policy for Energy
Insanity - January 11, 2006
