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October 8, 2007
SCHIP = Socialist
On Wednesday, President Bush vetoed an expansion of the State Children's
Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) that was so riddled with nonsensical
illogic and outright fraud not that you'd ever know it from the usual
left-tilted media coverage that in an earlier and more honorable age,
the bill would have been dead from the outset, if even offered in the
first place. But Democrats being the "socialist end justifies any
dishonest means" types they are, and Republicans being the gutless
cowards they are, this bill is frighteningly close to becoming law via
an override of Bush's veto.
The Democrats have delayed the override vote for two weeks in an attempt
to both bribe and intimidate 25 House members into changing sides from
the 265-159 original vote, to provide the 290 needed. (The Senate is
already a lost cause, so spineless is the GOP caucus in that chamber.) A
couple weak-kneed GOP representatives have already bailed, anticipating
the usual hate-mongering, all-emotional-manipulation-and-no-facts
Democrat propaganda assault, with innocent unaware children used as
political pawns. If only they had some guts, they could easily shoot
this down with the facts:
The bill is supposedly for "children," yet childless people up to 25
years old are eligible. Since when is a 25-year-old with no kids
eligible for taxpayer-funded insurance through a "children's" program?
Since this isn't a children's program but pure HillaryCare with kids as
cover, that's when.
This bill is supposedly for those not poor enough to qualify for
Medicaid, but it includes incomes up to 400 percent of the poverty line.
That's $82,000 a year! That is not poor, by any legitimate
definition of the word. This is simply a middle-class entitlement, and
one that anybody worthy of the title middle-class and the independence
it connotes should neither need nor want.
This bill is supposedly to be paid for by a tax increase on cigarettes
(50-plus cents) and cigars ($10 each!) What happens when people quit
smoking due to the added expense and tobacco products inevitably sell
less and generate far less tax revenue as a result? You guessed it the
Democrats will scream that they just have to raise taxes to keep all
those poor kiddies from losing their precious little program. It's bad
enough that this bill is pure socialism, it's also a bait-and-switch
tax-hike grenade just waiting to have the pin pulled out.
Finally, since when is paying for childrens health care expenses
anyone's job but their parents? I know you probably think I'm an
out-of-touch old fogey for saying this, but I can't see the words
"health" or "care" in my copy of the Constitution. Of course, since no
one in Congress has read or followed the founding document which they
all swore an oath to uphold as written upon taking office, I know I'm
wasting my time on this aspect, but one would like to think the supreme
law of the land might just be taken into consideration at some point, as
we otherwise blindly race headlong into Marxism.
hope that the 25 Republican representatives that the Democrats are
hoping to bully, threaten, cajole, and bribe into defecting over the
next two weeks find the principle to say no and make President Bush's
veto stick. This bill is dishonest, fraudulent, tax-increasing socialism
and will give us HillaryCare without even electing her. And a Republican
Party that can't find it within itself to oppose this loudly and proudly
nor to explain why in a simple, concise way that neither the demagogic
Democrats nor their liberal allies in the mainstream media can twist or
spin is a Republican Party that doesn't have long left to survive.
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