Eric Baerren
Eric Baerren is
a freelance writer, columnist and blogger who specializes in the
environment and science-related issues. His love for nature and
the environment started when he was a kid, when he spent whole
summers exploring the woods and creeks around his southern
Michigan home. He’s spent time in the woods, the desert, along
the beaches and atop the mountains all over the interior and
eastern half of the United States. In the last decade, his love
of nature evolved into a deep appreciation for the environment,
and today those issues that affect the human habitat are of most
interest to him, especially since the birth of a son who someday
will inherit whatever mess he leaves behind. Along the way,
he worked a number of demeaning, low-wage jobs that helped give
him a healthy respect for the working poor, and served for four
years in the United States Navy, which has helped him to
appreciate military-style thinking and problem solving.
His work has
appeared in various publications, and today you can find him at
home on the Internet, on his blog at |