Cindy Droog
Cindy Droog
is a writer, wife, mom, volunteer mentor,
crazy Cleveland Indians fan, dog lover,
corporate lackey, reader of multiple books
at once, Parrothead, NPR addict and many
other things.
She hails
from the shores of Ole’ Lake Erie, where she
spent her youth building intricate - and
sadly, very temporary, ice igloos - which
prepared her for life as a public relations
professional and the fickle spotlight. She
also did a lot of laughing at herself,
working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and
planning her escape - often all at once.
After a few big-city stops along the way,
she got as far as Grand Rapids, Michigan,
proud home to the U.S. leg of the Dutch
Mafia. She now lives there with her hubby
Tom, sons A.J. and Alec, and the cat.
She started
writing in the first grade, just like
everyone else, but later, managed to
graduate from the E.W. Scripps School of
Journalism at Ohio University. Her weekly
column, The Stay-At-Work Mom, is one of her
earliest forays into writing under her own
name, after spending years ghostwriting for
doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, hockey
players, and others whose intelligence – or
recurring head injuries – paralyzed their
ability to communicate with the common folk.
She's an
accredited public relations professional who
does guest lectures on the subject when
bribed, and she also writes for Grand Rapids
Magazine, Be Healthy Magazine and Michigan
Blue and volunteers for three local
non-profit organizations, the Grand Rapids
Community Media Center, Mixed Greens and the
Grand Rapids Schools of Hope program.
In 2008,
she intends to become the founder of the
Let’s Ban PowerPoint Society and take on
other projects, like say, cleaning her
Previous Columns
The Piano Man, Corporate-Style - April 2,
Telephone Tormenters - March 26, 2009
The Award Submission Is Due When?
Noooooooooo! - March 19, 2009
An Ode to Antonyms
(Or, Why Would My Ducks Be in a Row?) - March 12, 2009
On-the-Job Amusement Comes In All Sizes - March 5, 2009
Mention Panties, Freak
Out the Corporate Meeting Crowd! - February 26, 2009
Eavesdropping on Tiny
Town: A Tribute - February 19, 2009
Four Go-To Friends:
Great; 75 Go-To Web Sites? No. - February 12, 2009
Management on the
Importance of Management: Yay! We Matter! - February 5, 2009
Press Release Pap:
Being Plastic Wrap in a Blizzard Gives You Pleasure? - January
29, 2009
He’s a Visual Sort of Chief Executive
Toddler - January 22, 2009
Most Popular Business
Fantasies: You People Have Violent Minds! - January 15, 2009
Love the Passionista, But Guard Your
Snowblower - January 8, 2009
Potty Training and New Projects: How Do I
Tell the Difference? - January 1, 2009
Mother of the Year? It
Sure Isn’t Me - December 25, 2008
Nano-Nano: Corporate
Morks Say Good-Bye to Taking a Stand - December 11, 2008
Holy Morpheus! No One
Needs to Work for a ‘Highly Matrixed’ Company - December 4, 2008
My Son Has No Class, And I’m OK With That
- November 24, 2008
Advertising Messages Are Everywhere, But
They Don’t Stick Like Glue - November 17, 2008
Grading My Days in Corporate America -
November 10, 2008
Are You Ready for Some Suitball? -
November 3, 2008
My Office Love for You, and Hard Stops Too
- October 27, 2008
CEOs Could Use Some Toddler Creativity -
October 20, 2008
My Unloved Work Projects? I’m Taking Them
to Goodwill! - October 13, 2008
Halloween Is Here! (OK, Close Enough for
Me) - October 6, 2008
Ban the Lunch and Learn, Please -
September 29, 2008
Presentations: The Root of Corporate Evil - September 22, 2008
Searching For, and Trying to Be, the
Perfect Cookie Jar - July 14, 2008
Perfect Day: Easy At Home, But a Real
Challenge At the Office - July 7, 2008
I Thought I Missed My
Pre-Mom Business Trips, Until I Took One Again -
June 30, 2008
New Orleans at the Zoo: A
Two-Year-Old’s Cultural Revolution - June 23,
Random Expectations for My
Son: Who Will Care? (Will He?) - June 16, 2008
The New Efficiency
Strategy: Justdoeverythingreallyfast! - June 9,
$13 Million or Stinky
Diapers? Choose Your Security Protocol - June 2,
Two-Year-Old: My Professional Mouthpiece - May
26, 2008
My Surprising Three Wishes
for the Genie - May 19, 2008
Mom and Grandma Inspired
My Minimalist Mother’s Day - May 12, 2008
My Gift of Dreams: A
Mother’s Day Without Misquoting - May 5, 2008
PBS and Disney Covertly
Infiltrate My House, But I Will Fight Back -
April 28, 2008
As a Once-Prized Project
Dies, the Hamster Manifesto is Created - April
21, 2008
New Mom, New Job – Perfect
Match or Management Horror Show? - April 14,
Corporate America: Where
It’s Good to Be a Cat - April 7, 2008
Turn March Madness into
Corporate Combat - March 31, 2008
Student Loan Paid Off:
Creative Instincts Were Worth It - March 24,
Unleashing Innovation
During the Dog Days of Business - March 17, 2008
Bra In
My Desk; If Only It Were That Exciting! - March
10, 2008
Arm-Wrestling: The Future
of Corporate Decision Making - March 3, 2008
Percival Finds Plain
Happiness - February 25, 2008
in Peace, Chris; You Fought the Good Fight -
February 18, 2008
From A (Amoxycillin) to Z:
The Working Mom’s Alphabet - February 11, 2008
Gentlease Eases the Blow
for Baby, But I’m Still Going Gently Into that
Long Work Day - February 4, 2008
Brother vs. Brother; Boss
vs. Boss - January 28, 2008
Sexiest Man Alive of 2008:
Tom Droog - January 21, 2008
Edison and Franklin
Invented Nothing; It Was Their Mothers! -
January 14, 2008
Dreams of My Son’s Career:
Brian Williams, Yes, a Cubicle, No - January 7,
The Cookie Monster is
Everywhere - December 31, 2007
Make Me Bobby Hurley! It’s the New Mom Work
Dictionary - December 24, 2007
Employee, and Baby Brother, Orientation -
December 18, 2007
But Not in Charge - December 10, 2007
Broken, Mr. CEO; My Toddler Can Explain It To
You - December 3, 2007
My Hall of Shame: Exploding Microwaves, Spilled
Paint and Toenail Cutting Reminders - November 26, 2007
For My Son’s First Romantic Experience, No
School-Issued Condoms Please - November 19, 2007
Home or Work? Where Am I? - November 12, 2007
For the Pregnant Working Mom,
These T-Shirts Have It Covered - November 5, 2007
Call Me Short All You Want,
But Leave My Son Alone - October 29, 2007
OK, Doctor’s Office: From Now
On I’m Showing Up Prepared - October 22, 2007
Trust Me, Corporate America,
You Can Change Fast - October 15, 2007
Childhood Games. Corporate
Games. They’re All the Same - October 1, 2007
Watch Where You
Throw That Baseball; It Might Break My Project! - September 24, 2007
Like My Son, I Wanna Hold Your
Hand - September 17, 2007
Pregnancy Experts,
Where Am I Going Wrong? - September 10, 2007
Calling All Moms: Join the
Cause to End the Corporate Book Club - September 3, 2007
Just Call Me
Working Mother Goose - August 27, 2007
The Next Promotion
I Seek: Mommy - August 20, 2007
Tiger Woods-Like
Working Mother Perfection, Here I Come - August 13, 2007
I’m Reading Your
Words, But I’m Seeing My Little Boy - August 6, 2007
Corporate America Needs New
Holidays - July 30, 2007
Life as a Marathon: 26.2 Miles
of Stair Climbing - July 23, 2007
Front-Page News for
Fenders - July 16, 2007
Thanks to My Work
‘Parents,’ I Can Feel 17 Again - July 9, 2007
We Need Corporate Spirit
Week - July 2, 2007
Cleveland Indians Help Me
Laugh While My Dad is Dying - June 25, 2007
The Morning Drive is a Lot
Like Parenting... I Hope I Don't Crash - June 18, 2007
Hey, You: Invent This! -
June 11, 2007
I'd Save the World, But
It's Not In My Job Title - June 4, 2007
Take Setbacks With a Grain
of Salt, and a Dose of Sudoku - May 28, 2007
Season Finales: Coming
Soon to a Corporation Near You - May 21, 2007
American Idol: My Fantasy
Version - May 14, 2007
Nutrition, Yeah, Yeah...
Let's Have Some Cookies! - May 7, 2007
The Perfect Graduation
Gift: The Corporate See n' Say - April 30,2007
I Smell a Rat - A Packrat
- April 23, 2007
Life in America: It All
Comes Back to Pizza - April 16, 2007
Today, My Celebrity Life
Begins - April 9, 2007
Life is Good the Breakers
Way - April 2, 2007
The Return of The Ricker, or Ricky, or Rick -
March 26, 2007
Marketing to Gen Y? Spare the Tornadic Swirl -
March 19, 2007
Attention Mommy! Does Not Compute! - March 12,
Wasting Away Again in Margameetingville -
March 5, 2007
EBay: Strategies for Staying on the Wagon -
February 26, 2007
Forget Monster.com: Let's Do It
Bachelor-Auction Style - February 19, 2007
Don't Worry, Ray, I Won't Get Even With You, I
Promise! - February 12, 2007
Here Lies Cindy Droog: Details and Analysis in
Section E - February 5, 2007
Simon Cowell - Our Weapon of Mass
Decision-Making - January 29, 2007
The Seven Habits of Highly Annoying People -
January 22, 2007
Trust Me, Mr. Branson, My Plan Will Fly -
January 15, 2007
Roommate Wanted? Read This First - January 8,
Consider My Silence A Sign of Your Stupidity,
Not Mine - January 1, 2007
First Date Follies of a Fair Female - December
18, 2006
All Of Life's Wisdom, And Fries With That -
December 6, 2006
'Hello, I'm Glad I Can't Take Your Call' -
November 29, 2006
Take Your Roller Coaster Seat and Reveal All -
November 22, 2006
I Want My Two Dollars! - November 15, 2006
Forget Mr. Belding; I Need to Hear From J-Lo -
November 8, 2006
Curb Appeal: Too Comfortable in My Own Skin -
November 1, 2006
My Lists: Shorter Than Mitch's, But Hey, At
Least You're Alive - October 18, 2006
Help Me Help You Help Me - October 11, 2006
Boardrooms of the Future: Dumb TV Inc. -
October 4, 2006
Time to Celebrate the Classically Uncouth -
September 27, 2006
My Appeal to Science: The Ctrl/Alt/Delete
Button for My Life - April 26, 2006
Failure Stories: Celebrate with Cindy - April
12, 2006
Indoctrinating My Child to Love the Mom Brand
- March 8, 2006
My Pitchfork Isn't as Big as a Mop - February
22, 2006
Twenty-Somethings Kill Stick-In-The-Mud Woman
- February 15, 2006
Yeah, I'm Pregnant; Now Spare Me the Horror
Stories - February 1, 2006
TV Weather Reports: The Cause of All That Ails
Us - January 11, 2006
Eight Simple, and I Mean Simple, Reasons to
Celebrate the New Year - January 4, 2006
The Clones Lurk in the Shadows - And In My TV
- December 28, 2005
No Forest, No Glen . . . It's Boring Street! -
December 21, 2005
Lovemarks, Schmuvmarks -
December 7, 2005
GOP, Dems: Face It, We're Married - November
30, 2005
Column of the Year -
November 23, 2005