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December 21, 2007
Inconvenient Truths
for Al Gore about Global Warming
“It is better to
keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and resolve
all doubt.” -- Abraham Lincoln
“The Earth has a
fever!” -- Al Gore
With each passing
day, those who believe in man-made global warming are demonstrated to be
more and more pathological in their obsession with a non-existent
problem. So megalomaniacal have they become that no amount of evidence
will get them to put their egos aside and, if nothing else, approach the
issue with some semblance of humility. Of course, when one's goal is
totalitarianism, one cannot be humble – the two are fundamentally
incompatible mindsets.
A simple bit of
logic would be enough to defuse this silly fraud once and for all, were
the true believers not so impervious to reason. Earth was once warm
enough to support dinosaurs, and once cold enough that only heavily
furred mammals like mastodons could survive. In neither era was humanity
even in existence. So how did those changes in planetary climate occur?
Obviously, the Earth is perfectly capable of warming and cooling all by
We also know that
smaller scale changes have occurred just within the last few centuries.
Why do you think the Vikings named a far northern island to which they
sailed “Greenland”? Hint: It wasn't because the land was covered with
white polar icecap. How did Greenland get green in the absence of modern
human industry? This was then followed by the “Little Ice Age,” running
from roughly the mid-16th to the mid-19th
The year of 1816 was
known as “The Year Without A Summer,” when snowstorms hit northeastern
North America in June and frost killed crops in Europe. The commonly
accepted explanation for this is the eruption of the Mt. Tambora volcano
in what is now Indonesia. The vast quantities of ash and dust thrown
into the atmosphere helped to block out the sun's warmth, resulting in
an unusually cold year until it finally settled out.
There are many more
examples beyond these few, but the point is clear: The Earth has been
changing climatologically on its own for many millennia, well before
humans existed and continuing to the present. Our ability to do anything
significant to this process is miniscule at best. All of human activity
combined hasn't done to the climate what one volcano – be it Tambora,
Krakatoa or Pinatubo – has in the past or could in the future.
But don't tell that
to Al Gore and his fellow green Kool-Aid drinkers. In fact, the more you
try to present them with, shall we say, inconvenient truths, the less
they listen. They simply label you as a “denier” and treat you as some
kind of heretic. Heck, even cooling is evidence of warming to them.
A trek to the North
Pole last spring by Liv Arnesen and Anne Bancroft had to be aborted
after temperatures of minus-100 degrees Fahrenheit gave them frostbite
and killed some of their electronic equipment. But that's not going to
cause them to consider the possibility that they're mistaken. To quote
trip organizer Ann Atwood: "They were experiencing temperatures that
weren't expected with global warming. But one of the things we see with
global warming is unpredictability."
So in other words,
if it's hot it's warming and if it's frigid it's warming. No matter what
the weather is, it proves you right. Talk about being drunk on the green
This is because
their true goal is not climate control, but totalitarian control of you
and your life, in every aspect. Nothing, no matter how minute, is
exempt. From incandescent light bulbs (which Congress banned just this
week), to the internal combustion engine (of which Congress also banned
the production for any that cannot achieve 27.5 miles per gallon), there
is nothing they won't outlaw or seize in their attempt to forcibly
create their vision of a climatological utopia. “Global warming” is just
the latest phony “crisis” used as an excuse to stomp on freedom and
Moreover, their
extremism has real-world consequences. And we cannot ignore this, no
matter how much amusement we derive from their ever-nuttier contortions
to avoid the obvious. America's energy supplies, from the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge to the Gulf Coast, are being locked up and held
hostage by these folks and the mostly Democrat politicians they have
bought and paid for. Instead of tapping our own oil and natural gas, and
building new nuclear power plants for electricity, we remain dependent
on hostile nations for the former and coal for the latter.
Instead of having
cleaner methods of energy production and being as independent for it as
possible, we remain in a tenuous situation, all because a bunch of
tree-huggers who simply hate energy in all its forms (and the modern
human civilization it enables to exist) have gone off the deep end, and
no one has the courage to call them on it and defeat them.
At what point will
we finally stop the inmates from running the asylum? And if we won't,
then stock up on old light bulbs and cars while you still can.
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