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July 21, 2008
Obama: The
Creepiness Factor
Over an otherwise slow
news period encompassing the recent Independence Day holiday, Democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama made a couple statements that serve
to highlight what gives many of us pause about his campaign. And whether
it's borne of mere inexperience or something more intentionally
sinister, it doesn't befit someone seeking the most powerful office in
the world.
Here is the first one:
"We cannot
continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national
security objectives that we have set. We have got to have a civilian
national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just
as well funded." – Barack Obama, July 2,
2008, speaking at the University of Colorado
What on Earth is he
talking about? An entire second military? Made up of whom? Beholden to
whom? Would there be conscription if too few chose to participate? And
just what would its main purpose be? The possibilities range from fairly
benign to downright frightening.
The list of questions
this comment raises goes on and on. But not only has the mainstream
media, which is completely in the tank for Obama, refused to ask him for
more detail about this enormous plan, they have let the Obama campaign
get away with pretending he never said it. You will find no evidence of
it on Obama's web site, nor any other regular media outlet. The only
reason the content of that speech survives is that
it was posted on YouTube.com. (Thank God for the Internet!)
It's hard to give the
benefit of the doubt to someone when they so quickly and furtively bury
something that otherwise sounds like a major initiative. And then
there's the historical parallel – more on that later.
Here is the next one:
“When I’m
president, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school
students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college
students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the
time you graduate college, you’ll have done 17 weeks of service.”
– Barack Obama, same day, same location
He doesn't actually say
the word, of course, but what he's talking about isn't a “goal” but a
requirement. And one presumably backed by the force of law, resulting in
punishment for non-compliance. I find it ironic that a black man would
be proposing something that, in principle, is slavery. But that aside,
this is really just more nanny-state liberalism. Just as they'll tax
your money away to spend it better than you, they'll take your time away
to spend it better than you would.
And naturally, there's
the euphemism to hide behind. Just as taxes aren't theft but
“investments,” indentured servitude is a “goal.” What is it about
liberals that have them so convinced that compassion is a derivative of
government force? Whether time or money, no end whose means are founded
upon seizure or compulsion can possibly be moral. True compassion is
freely shown, and that is what gives it meaning. Obama's proposal is but
a weak counterfeit of the real thing.
This one was at least
not covered up by the Obama campaign, though they did back away from it
somewhat. (Given Obama's steady stream of gaffes, they have had much
practice in doing this smoothly and effortlessly.) Again, there is an
historical parallel here that is hard to ignore.
Finally, there's Obama
holding his acceptance speech on the final evening of the Democratic
convention at Invesco Field rather than at the site itself. Ostensibly,
this is so more and regular people can attend – and, no doubt, to
artificially boost the attendance figures. But given the whole Obama-as-Messiah
thing, one cannot help but wonder if this isn't his version of a Billy
Graham Crusade. And that is but the less creepy of the plausible
comparisons here.
Add it up – civilian
national security force, mandatory youth service, nighttime stadium
rally. As much as I don't want to, it's impossible not to briefly think
of the S.S., Hitler Youth and Nuremberg. That Obama and his staff would
seem to be so oblivious to the similarity is shocking. Oh, I'm sure
they're dismayed at me for even bringing it up (as many of you reading
this likely are), but if it's so bad of me to consider it, why didn't
they think of that beforehand and alter things so I wouldn't have to?
Whether they were
simply ignorant of or knew full well and were fine with the parallels,
it all demonstrates how unfit Obama and his followers are to hold power.
Obama says and does things that are extremely disturbing, with neither
cognizance of nor regard for historical perspective. This is evidence
of, at best, staggering incompetence – at worst, it's something
malevolent. I neither know nor care which, as both are disqualifying.
Or should be.
Hopefully, enough Americans will see through the media “blitzkrieg” on
Obama's behalf before a terrible mistake is made and possibly
irreversible damage is done.
© 2008
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