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March 24, 2008
Fighting the Left’s Control Agenda
In my last column, I talked about how the real agenda behind liberal
policies is control – control of you and your life, in all its aspects.
There is simply nothing safe from this agenda – from the more picayune
things, such as the type of light bulbs in your lamps at home or whether
you can have a smoke, to the big things like where you can live and what
type of vehicle you can drive (if any at all).
You might be asking, especially if you don't care about incandescent
versus compact fluorescent, or don't smoke, or don't drive, why any of
this is a big deal. These don't seem to be such major encroachments,
after all. And there are benefits from these outcomes. But incidental
noble ends do not and cannot justify, and therefore must be separated
from, the immoral means.
Nothing is more precious than liberty – the right and freedom to make
choices for oneself and fully accept responsibility for the
consequences. That the end of government control may ultimately prove
beneficial in some respects – which happens nowhere near as often as
liberals like to think or would have you believe – is not the
point. The point is that once you allow government to presume to choose
for you how your life shall be lived, in any detail, in principle your
freedom is gone. And that is more detrimental, by far, than any other
superficial gain is desirable.
Or, to quote James Madison: "I believe there are more instances of
the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent
encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
He was correct. The left, incrementally but relentlessly, demonizes
things simply because it's easier to control that which is unpopular.
And with every item they pull into their orbit, the area left free
decreases. Then their eye moves to the next target. So even if you don't
smoke and don't like cigarettes (as I do not), you should passionately
defend the property and freedom-of-association rights of bar owners to
choose for themselves to which clientele they will cater (as I do).
Or, to paraphrase Pastor Martin Niemöller's famous poem about the rise
of the Nazis:
"In America, liberals came first for the
smokers, and I didn’t speak up because I didn't like smoking;
And then liberals came for the
incandescent light bulbs, and I didn’t speak up because I thought CF
bulbs better;
And then liberals came for the global
warming skeptics, and I didn’t speak up because I didn't like SUVs;
And then . . . liberals came for me . . .
and by that time there was no one left to speak up."
The above may sound over-the-top, but if
government can stomp on a bar owner's clear constitutional rights and
suffer no rebuke, ban light bulbs outright and suffer no rebuke, promote
the outright fraud of global warming for the express purpose of
radically remaking society over in a Marxist image and suffer no rebuke,
how can you naively presume it will ever stop of its own accord and that
you won't be next? When one of us has our liberty curtailed, we are all
injured. And we should respond accordingly.
The last and perhaps biggest question is
also the simplest: Why? Why is there this seemingly insatiable and
utterly relentless drive by some to control their fellow man so
completely? Do they have some kind of fetish for The Borg on Star
The answer, I believe, is as old as
mankind itself. Adam and Eve ate the fruit because the lying serpent
appealed to their ego, convincing them that they would be powerful like
God and that this was an entitlement that God was unfairly refusing to
share with them. So it is with liberals. They have become consumed by
their egos, to the point where they think the natural order of things is
for them to be in charge with, in essence, God-like power (known as
government) sufficient to control even the weather. Simply put, they've
eaten the fruit. Some of them may be downright fruit-a-holics.
This is an inherent part of humanity, and
in the innate nature of us all. But where some of us exercise humility,
the left just keeps pushing in the same direction, full of arrogance and
hubris. That's why the answer to the failure of liberal ideas is always
more – more taxes, more spending, more regulation, more litigation – and
never less. More feeds the fruit-addled ego. Less induces humility.
It also shows that expecting government
to stop its inexorable creep, and liberty and freedom to reign all by
themselves, is foolish in the extreme. That only happens when we fight
for it – fight against our own ego-driven selfish instincts, and fight
against others who've already lost that inner struggle. And we have no
less than a duty to do so. To quote the Declaration of Independence:
“But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their
future security.”
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