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February 18, 2008
The Dangerous Substance of Barack Obama
Much has been made of Sen. Barack Obama
wowing almost orgasmic (or should I say “Obasmic”?) crowds with eloquent
oratory that, if you get past the emotion for two seconds, contains
little to no substance. Just say the words “believe,” “hope,” “change,”
and “future” enough times and in enough different combinations, and you
too can give an Obama stemwinder!
But this criticism, while accurate for
the most part, is the least important that could be levied against Obama
and his verbal equivalent of Krispy Kremes. For when you look, really
look, at the content of his speeches, the core is really the twin
pillars of egotism – self-pity and megalomania. Obama's America is one
in which people take pride in their victimhood and helplessness, and
this turn to the government-as-superhero for salvation.
Much of this is simply the same
class-warfare-laden, business-despising far-left boilerplate that John
Edwards couldn't make fly. Oil companies, HMOs, Wal-Mart and CEOs are
all the big bad boogeymen determined to screw you out of the comfortable
existence to which you're automatically entitled and owed by birthright.
A condensed portion of Obama's Super Tuesday speech:
His Super Tuesday speech went on about
Exxon profits, CEO bonuses and lobbyists, while regaling us with sob
stories about mothers who go without health care for sick children,
teachers taking second jobs at Dunkin’ Donuts and much more in this
Naturally, it's his and government's duty
to swoop in and save the day for you (cue the tights, cape and
fists-on-hips pose), because you certainly can do nothing whatsoever
about it – nor should you have to. Obama plays to America's baby
boomer-inflicted case of chronic immaturity by indulging her spoiled
brats even further with a big dose of feeling sorry for themselves,
rather than giving them the long-overdue swift kick in the behind
(perhaps several) that they need. Part and parcel of this is that, like
a child, you do not have to be responsible for yourself. The boogeymen
screw you and government protects you from them, like mommy and daddy.
You just spectate, a helpless victim, observing life rather than living
it, participating not at all.
This is inherent in the
government-as-savior approach he takes as the first, best and only
solution to pretty much everything. Which is just a fancy way of saying
he himself is Messiah, as he'll be wielding the magic wand of
government, after all.
Look at how utterly self-congratulatory
the following is from Obama's Super Tuesday speech:
“Change will not come if we wait for some
other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve
been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. We are the hope of
those boys who have so little, who’ve been told that they cannot have
what they dreamed, that they cannot be what they imagine. Yes, they can.
We are the hope of the father who goes to work before dawn and lies
awake with doubt that tells him he cannot give his children the same
opportunities that someone gave him. Yes, he can. We are the hope of the
woman who hears that her city will not be rebuilt, that she cannot
somehow claim the life that was swept away in a terrible storm. Yes, she
can. We are the hope of the future, the answer to the cynics who tell us
our house must stand divided, that we cannot come together, that we
cannot remake this world as it should be.”
And notice the inherent logical
contradiction, if not dishonesty – yes, the boys/father/woman all can.
But if so, what the hell do they then need Obama for? So, in truth, they
cannot – at least not until Obama and his followers, a.k.a. “hope,”
first come along so these folks can turn to him, open thine eyes and see
that their salvation and deliverer draweth nigh. Only thereafter they
finally can.
Is there not an ounce of humility to be
found? Is there no end to the delusions of grandeur?
And more importantly, what if this sort
of egomaniacal drivel clothed in flowery language can actually take root
in America? What if enough of her people are now overgrown spoiled
children who don't want to take responsibility for themselves yet fully
expect to live as if they had, and will eagerly fall for the spiel that
they were screwed by capitalism and socialist government will save them?
I shudder to think of the consequences if the answers are as I fear.
There is substance in Obama's words all
right – and it should give us all pause.
© 2008
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