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November 19, 2007
Unrecognizable to Denial-Afflicted Democrats
This week, House Republicans again stopped an Iraq funding bill that
would have required withdrawal as a condition. And as usual in the wake
of the Democrats' repeated failed attempts to trash the Constitution and
illegitimately seize the commander-in-chief's war powers for themselves,
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement that has to make everyone wonder
how someone so stupid could ascend to an office third in line to the
It contained all the usual Democratic lunatic base-pleasing words and
phrases, like “failure,” “blank check,” and “refusing to hold the
president accountable.” Pelosi has given this statement so many times –
40-plus House votes on Iraq withdrawal so far, not one of which has come
close to becoming law – I'm beginning to wonder if she's physically
capable of saying anything else.
The fact is, the surge has worked. Iraq has dramatically improved in the
past several months and some of the troops deployed there are already
being rotated out of theater. But this truth simply cannot penetrate the
fantasy world in which the Democrats live. No amount of evidence can
shake them from their predetermined beliefs. As far as they are
concerned, Iraq is a failure no matter how much of a success it is. The
fact that they may look like total fools on Election Day doesn't cause
them to slow down or reconsider, but seems to cause them to hide in
their self-created fiction all the more.
And it isn't just limited to Iraq. There are multiple issues on which
Democrats have a total disconnect from reality. Energy is another
They're hell-bent on shoving ethanol down our throats no matter how
impossible it will be to deliver on their mandates. All currently arable
land would have to be diverted to corn production, thus crowding out
both produce for humans and feed corn for livestock. Or forests would
have to be cut down to be converted to farmland. Corn growth and ethanol
production are both very water-intensive activities, and it's unlikely
we would have enough for all that in addition to present use. Ethanol is
difficult to transport, and the current petroleum lines would be damaged
by handling an alcohol-based fuel.
And last, but certainly most, there is the abject suicidal idiocy of
destroying one's food supply for the sake of fuel. All that energy can't
do anyone any good if we're all starving to death. But don't tell that
to liberals – they think we must have ethanol, so by God, we're getting
it. Never mind the plentiful supply of oil that's sitting under our own
land and seas, with which we could lower prices, tell OPEC and Hugo
Chavez to stuff it and at long last be much more self-sufficient.
The same goes for electricity – somehow we're supposed to be able to
transition to hybrid electric cars without adding a single new nuclear
power plant. I guess we're just supposed to wave a magic wand to supply
all the additional demand for power that an entire electric car and
truck fleet would require. At minimum, we'll have to build many more
nuclear power plants – to power electric cars, replace coal/gas vehicles
and replace currently aging nuclear facilities.
And the capper, of course, is global warming. This cause has quite
possibly become the world's fastest growing cult, so intense are its
hard-core believers and so determined are they to control every last
picayune detail of your life.
It is the quintessential real-world example of both the “liberal end
justifies any means” worldview of the left, and the awful consequences
the rest of us would suffer were it to be forced upon us. America as we
have known it would be gone, whether destroyed from without by
terrorists or within by bad policies, both brought about by Democrats’
unwillingness to acknowledge reality.
group of people so blinded to fact by rabid hyper-partisanship cannot be
allowed to ascend to power without some really bad things happening as a
result. At best, you get what Pelosi provides – an almost comical level
of delusion. At worst, she exercises that legitimate power as a top
official to serve those fictional beliefs, and we all suffer the damage
that inflicts upon the real world she denies.
hope that for all our sakes, Iraq demonstrates Democratic denial for all
to see by November 2008. The idea that Harry Reid and the aforementioned
Pelosi, with their 0 percent approval ratings, could be joined by
President Hillary is just too horrible an idea to contemplate. We'd have
to change the National Anthem to paraphrase REM: It's the end of the
world as we know it, and they feel fine.
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