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November 24, 2008
Obama Is Introduced
to Reality
Barack Obama said earlier this year he
supported legislation that would have mandated that the CIA and other
agencies subscribe to a 2006 Army field manual’s guidelines on
interrogation practices, which would have the effect of banning harsh
treatment of detainees such as waterboarding.
Although Obama issued a statement during the campaign supporting the
idea of applying the Army field manual interrogation standard to all
agencies, not just the Pentagon, a senior campaign adviser to Obama left
the door open to applying another standard.
The Wall Street
Journal, citing a “current government official familiar with the
transition,” reported this week that “Obama may decide he wants to keep
the road open in certain cases for the CIA to use techniques not
approved by the military, but with much greater oversight.”
Obama, saying the war was a mistake by President Bush and hopelessly
lost, pledges to remove all troops from Iraq as soon as possible.
“The war is over and we won.” – blogger Michael Yon, 11/14/08.
Will Obama violate the security agreement signed by the U.S. in good
faith, which keeps forces in Iraq until 2011?
Obama promises to repeal the military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”
policy on gays openly serving in the military.
President-elect Barack Obama will not move for months, and perhaps
not until 2010, to ask Congress to end the military's decades-old ban on
open homosexuals in the ranks, two people who have advised the Obama
transition team on this issue say.
Barack Obama repeatedly berates the Bush Administration for large
Obama says on 60 Minutes that fixing the economy will require
running even bigger deficits.
Even the French Army
doesn't retreat this much. Everywhere President-elect Obama turns,
reality keeps smacking him in the face and giving him wake-up calls. As
easy as it is to spew smooth-sounding empty platitudes on the campaign
trail when the media is your propaganda organ, delivering on promises
that are more faith-based than fact-based is much more difficult. And
Obama has begun to find this out the hard way in just the 20 days since
he was elected.
Whether you're talking
about the hard realities of war, of economics or of science, there is a
common truth: The way they work doesn't change simply because arrogant
politicians think they can wave a magic wand and make it so. And
ignoring how they work, so one can plunge ahead with implementing
ill-conceived and unfounded plans, is a recipe for disaster. No amount
of good intent can offset it.
If Obama is insistent
upon displaying weakness in Iraq, it will create a vacuum that someone
(Iran) will try to exploit. If he is insistent upon releasing the
terrorists in Guantanamo, they will go back and try to attack our troops
or other interests. (A good number of those previously released already
have.) If he is insistent on bailing out the fiscally irresponsible,
he'll create an incentive for more irresponsibility. And if he's
insistent on banning oil, coal and nuclear power in the name of stopping
non-existent “global warming,” he'll destroy our civilization and lower
the standard of living for us all.
Events do not happen in
a vacuum, and people do react to them. So long as there is some measure
of freedom, actions will have consequences – intentional and
unintentional – and people will react to what government does in their
own logical self-interest. Most folks understand this. Liberal
politicians of both parties who have massive egos and think they know
best how the world should work don't. Or they are so blinded by their
lust for power and their belief that they're doing good that they just
don't care.
And their predictable
response to reality that operates in ways other than what they thought
is to remove freedom and seize control in the vain hope of stopping
those consequences. Hence tax increases to take our money away so they
can decide where it goes, bailouts that are effectively an attempt to
end capitalism and radical environmental plans that are barely-disguised
This is roughly akin to
trying to legislate gravity away. And the results are just as lethal to
people as tossing someone off a building after the gravity ban is
passed, convinced he'll really fly.
To be sure, the
Democrats do understand this to some extent, hence their demands that
Republicans support their silly plans – like paying back the unions who
funded their elections with an auto industry bailout – even though
numerically they can pass whatever they want all by themselves come
January. They want someone to blame in the event their ideas prove far
more catastrophic than they thought, because they're too gutless to take
all the responsibility alone.
So perhaps there is a
chance – though I personally wouldn't bet on it – that Obama will
somehow pull back from the cliff to which Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen.
Harry Reid are sure to rush as soon and as fast as possible. If nothing
else, when you stand alone and aren't two of 535, it's quite a bit
harder to get away with having delusions of grandeur.
© 2008
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