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August 12, 2009
Health Care: The
True Obama, Pelosi and GOP Revealed
This last week has been
a rather disturbing one for America. We have seen and heard things that
most of us thought could not ever happen in the land of the free and the
home of the brave.
As the left tries to
ram its dictatorial “health care” bill down the nation's throat, the
citizenry speaks back to their insolent public officials. Exercising
their First Amendment right to free speech and to petition government
for redress of grievances, they show up in unprecedented numbers at town
halls, telling (and often yelling) at congressmen, who have no real
interest in listening, that they absolutely don't want authoritarian
government rationing care.
What is the response?
Do the Democrats acknowledge the hornet's nest they've stirred up and
back off? Do they understand that they are supposed to represent these
folks and their opposition to the annihilation of private medicine and
Not quite. The
White House set up an e-mail address for supporters to rat out
opponents, advised Democrats to
“punch back twice as hard,” and President Obama arrogantly told
these folks to
shut the hell up and get out of the way. The Speaker of the House
labeled them Nazis,
claiming they were carrying signs with swastikas. And the next day,
union thugs were sent in to physically intimidate people at packed town
halls in places like Tampa, and St. Louis. One man in the latter
was beaten so badly he had to be hospitalized.
If this doesn't speak
volumes about what Obama, Pelosi and the left are about, and what they
intend to do in order to force their world view upon every last one of
us, nothing does. And it should scare the hell out of us all.
We have holders of
national office, when faced with widespread opposition to their
proposals, whose first instinct is to openly slander the America people,
view the people as an enemy to be defeated by any means necessary, and
tacitly endorse violence to repress them. (None of these town halls, as
vocal as they were, turned the least bit violent until the day after the
White House said to "punch back twice as hard" and the SEIU union goon
squad started showing up. Coincidence?)
Think about how radical
and extreme this is. This sort of thing was supposed to only
happen in third-world banana republics in far-flung corners of world.
Thanks to Obama and Pelosi, it now happens in America. It's like they're
channeling Sean Connery in The Untouchables:
"They pull a
knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send
one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way!"
(Obama actually did say this on June 14, 2008:
WSJ: Obama – ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’)
This is a reckless and
dangerous escalation of the conflict. It raises the stakes to where one
fractious event could cause things to quickly spiral out of control. It
actually increases the chances of such an event occurring, as someone
who's been given the finger by his own government figures he has nothing
left to lose. And once that Rubicon gets crossed, it may be impossible
to go back.
A president with real
experience and real leadership skills would know better than this. But
all Obama has to fall back on is his rabble-rousing, radical Marxist
street thug past. Excuse me, I meant “community organizing.” (Funny how
he despises the community organizing against him.) Thus you get exactly
the arrogant words he spoke and reckless actions he took. And with them,
gasoline may well have been poured on the dry tinder. All that's left is
the spark to set it ablaze.
Think about that as
well: He'd rather risk America coming apart than not get his way.
Instead of temporarily accepting political defeat and regrouping, he'd
rather take us down a path of conflict wherein the end must necessarily
be one side defeating the other, cost and damage incurred in the process
be damned. The closest comparison to this I can think of is an abusive
husband who'd rather kill his wife than have her escape his control.
As for the Vichy
Republicans, the ostensible “opposition,” who ought to be a veritable
megaphone channeling all the citizens' outrage into one unmistakable
voice, they are inexplicably nowhere to be heard. Their gutless
cowardice apparently knows no limits, and they too are responsible for
the escalation of this conflict and whatever deleterious consequences to
which it may lead, as they are derelict in their duty to provide a
proper political outlet into which all the outrage can be funneled.
One doesn't go outside
the system so long as they have an effective way to oppose within it.
The GOP steadfastly refuses to be a public voice of real opposition, and
as such they are just as much a part of the problem. It's said that all
that's need for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, and
that's exactly what the GOP is doing – nothing.
The only one who is
clearly calling Obama and Pelosi to account is Sarah Palin. I close by
linking to her statement on the health care debate, posted last Friday
her Facebook page. If not for her, there would be no
Republican opposition at all.
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