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May 20, 2009
Obama: Don't You
Dare Do For Yourself
President Obama gave
the commencement address at Arizona State University last week, and I'll
say this much for it: It wasn't the typical “the future's so bright,
you gotta wear shades” rah-rah speech to the graduates. In fact, it was
quite the opposite – he subtlely (and not so subtlely) denigrated
self-sufficiency, high living standards and achievement.
One would think that
the students would come away from it almost depressed, judging solely by
the content. Yet they mindlessly cheered and applauded, reflecting their
absorption of 16 years of liberal propaganda masquerading as
“You're taught to
chase after all the usual brass rings; you try to be on this "who's who"
list or that top 100 list; you chase after the big money and you figure
out how big your corner office is; you worry about whether you have a
fancy enough title or a fancy enough car. That's the message that's sent
each and every day, or has been in our culture for far too long -- that
through material possessions, through a ruthless competition pursued
only on your own behalf -- that's how you will measure success.”
It's been in our
culture because it's true and it works! What Obama calls “ruthless” and
selfish, I call free-market capitalism! I don't see too many people
defining being poor and dependent as success, or being self-sufficient
as failure. And just who are you to be dictating to anyone how much is
too much? Talk about assuming to oneself way too much moral authority.
This from a guy who's
never worked a real job that produced anything worthwhile a day in his
life, who never had to make a payroll, or satisfy customers and vendors,
or calculate a profit/loss statement. Earth to president: We can't all
leech off the taxpayers and shady political connections in order to
“community organize” all day long, whatever the hell that is. Living
outside the real world, as you have been your whole life, only produces
the staggering ignorance you so clearly demonstrate.
Bill Gates has created
more jobs and helped more people prosper than all the
parasite-on-the-taxpayers'-wallets non-profits in history combined! Is
he wrong to have personally benefitted so much in the process? Obama's
tone tends to suggest so.
You want to help folks?
Get a job, take care of yourself, invest, take risks, and in the process
of reaping the reward, create jobs for others so they can care for
themselves. Contrary to the intimation of the above, acting in
enlightened self-interest is often more worthwhile than self-denial.
“It was in pursuit
of gaudy short-term profits, and the bonuses that came with them, that
so many folks lost their way on Wall Street, engaging in extraordinary
risks with other people's money.”
And just what in blazes
do you think Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, and yourself (one of
the biggest takers of campaign funds from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)
were doing, when you ordered lenders to give mortgages to folks who
couldn't possibly pay them back? If Wall Street lost their way, then
government is somewhere in Timbuktu. And Obama has the gall to pass
judgment on those who largely did what he himself demanded of them?
How can anybody stomach
this? It's so obviously wrong and flies in the face of all that makes
America what she is. The consequences of arrogantly defying reality will
be severe – not the least of which would be the complete loss of our
individual liberty and freedom as Obama runs roughshod over every
supposed limitation on government's power in order to re-make the world
as he thinks it should be.
It's bad enough that
Obama is as ignorant to the point of delusion as Jimmy Carter. It's even
worse that he combines it with a determination to use government to
force them on us all. Then factor in his cult-like adoring supporters
and a media aiding him every step of the way, which puts the sheep's
clothing on the wolf and makes him look far more benign than he really
Now flip that tassel to
the other side of that mortarboard.
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