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January 28, 2009
The Spoiled
Brat-in-Chief (And His Media Creators)
President Barack
Obama made a surprise visit to the White House press corps Thursday
night, but got agitated when he was faced with a substantive question.
Asked how he could
reconcile a strict ban on lobbyists in his administration with a deputy
defense secretary nominee who lobbied for Raytheon, Obama interrupted
with a knowing smile on his face.
"Ahh, see," he said,
"I came down here to visit. See this is what happens. I can't end up
visiting with you guys and shaking hands if I'm going to get grilled
every time I come down here." [...]
The president was
quickly saved by a cameraman in the room who called out: Id like to
say it one more time: Mr. President.
Politico, Obama
Flashes Irritation In Press Room, 1/23/09
During his private
meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans on Friday,
President Obama ended a philosophical debate over tax policy with the
simple declaration that his opinion prevailed because "I won." [...]
The "I won" comment
came after Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., said Republicans believed cutting
income taxes would do more to stimulate economic growth than providing a
$500 per person payroll tax refund for individuals earning less than
$200,000. The president said, according to those present, that this was
an important philosophical divide between Republican and Democrats and
that it had already been settled and would remain settled because he
won the election.
FOX News, Obama
Says His View On Taxes Prevailed Because 'I Won' 1/23/09
He's only been in
office for three days, and President Obama is already behaving like
Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. About all
that's left is for him to sing Don't Care How, I Want It Now and then
plummet down the bad egg chute to the furnace.
He apparently thinks
that both Republicans and the media should both unquestioningly bend
over and kiss his behind, unaware that the latter already has been doing
so for over two years.
As the cameraman in the
first quote shows, a good many of the mainstream media still have their
lips permanently locked on Obama's posterior. And in so doing, they have
created an overindulged spoiled brat who, it would seem, has started
believing his own hype.
If he honestly thinks a
single visit to the press room resulting in a single substantive
question is comparable to the Middle East, our president is beyond
delusional. Perhaps if the liberally-biased-beyond-all-measure media had
actually managed to ask him one during the campaign, it wouldn't be such
a shock to his system now.
But they instead joined
in drinking the Kool-Aid with the rest of Obama's cult-like followers,
determined to manipulate the election outcome. And now the president is
biting the hand that overfed him, doing his best impression of the daffy
general that Hawkeye and Trapper encounter in an old episode of
M*A*S*H when they try to obtain an incubator: This is a press
conference! The last thing I'm going to do is stand here and answer lots
of questions!
And is there any chance
in hell a Republican president could do this and not get taken to
the woodshed for it, much less saved by one of them?
As for the second item,
since when was there any difference between Obama and John McCain? That
the RINO from Arizona chanced into the GOP nomination thanks to New
Hampshire liberals crossover voting in an open primary and the media
seizing on that plurality win to shove him down our throat in no way
means that voters had a real choice between tax cuts and redistributive
checks. Sen. McCain's shilling for Obama now that he's in office is more
proof that the election was largely a sham.
The Republican reaction
to this sort of thing and surely there is much more of it to come
will tell us whether they have anything left inside that might resurrect
a party on life support.
Will they find their
long-lost spine, guts and testicles? Will they firmly and maturely
oppose this massive bailout from government that will dwarf what Detroit
or Wall Street received? And, in so doing, provide a contrast between
responsible, adult leadership and infantile petulance? Or will they
meekly join the left in its lemming-like rush off the cliff?
It's ironic the GOP
has the same problem fighting the Democrats as the Democrats do fighting
radical Muslim terrorists: They can't get it through their thick skulls
that when you insist on playing by the rules against an opponent that
purposely ignores the rules, you are almost certain to lose.
While the arena is
different, the principle is the same: You have to treat this as a war,
not as a polite difference of opinion. If the GOP isn't as determined to
substantively defeat the Democrats as the Democrats are to defeat them,
it's all academic. Just as Miranda warnings and the Exclusionary Rule
mean nothing to psychos who fly planes full of people into buildings
full of people.
And in both cases, our
nation as we have known it hangs in the balance.
© 2009
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