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May 19, 2008
The Liberal Journey:
From Detached from Reality to Unlimited Power
This last week was a
veritable cornucopia of liberal insanity, from Democrats' absurd
over-reaction to President Bush's spot-on remarks to the Israeli
Knesset, to the California Supreme Court forcing gay marriage on its
constituents, to the polar bear being declared an at-risk species when
it's not.
Each one of these
actions is completely disconnected from logic and reality, and taken
together I think are very revealing when it comes to what really drives
liberals. And given that it appears that we are about to hand over
total, uncontested power to a Democrat president and congressional
supermajority, it behooves us to figure this out sooner rather than
President Bush said:
seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and
radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have
been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As
Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared:
“Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been
avoided.” We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false
comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by
Naturally, this
plain-spoken truth borne out by experience sent liberals into crazed
rages. Sen. Joe Biden arrogantly spewed expletives, Sen. John Kerry was
his usual pompous and condescending self. Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it
“beneath the dignity of the office.” Pelosi, of course, should know a
lot about what's beneath the dignity of an office, having trashed her
political opponents on foreign soil by going to Syria against the State
Department's express wishes at the same time that regime was building a
nuclear reactor with North Korean help, which Israel subsequently had to
bomb into oblivion.
The fact is that Bush
was speaking generally – hence the word “some.” That liberals would jump
to the conclusion that he was speaking specifically of them and/or Sen.
Obama shows that he hit upon, well, an inconvenient truth. This is that
liberals and Obama are appeasers (and self-centered). Thinking you can
reason with psychotic terrorists who live to die so long as they can
kill you too is delusional. And the price of this extreme naiveté is
bloodshed. Most of us learned that lesson on 9/11, but it apparently
still hasn't sunk in for “some.”
As the Bard said,
“Methinks thou doth protest too much.” And the point of all this bluster
is simply to distract from the dead-on-target substance.
Next, we have the
California Supreme Court inventing a right to marriage in that state's
constitution. Straight or gay isn't the point; there is simply no such
thing as a “right to marry.” (If so, then some lucky lady will have to
become my wife whether she wants to or not, because refusing is denying
my “right.”) To the extent “equal protection” applies, it's already
provided for: One person, opposite sex. That government policy applies
the same to everyone, and is the textbook definition of a law that
passes equal protection muster.
Now, you may not want
to marry someone of the opposite sex. Or you may want to marry more than
one person. But that isn't the point. The point is that every individual
is treated identically – one person, opposite sex. If you find that
improper, then go to the Legislature and get it changed. But the idea
that this violates “equal protection” is a complete bastardization of
the term, the Constitution and the English language itself.
Last, we have the polar
bear designation. Never mind that the population has more than doubled
since the late 1970s, or that none of the land and Arctic Sea habitat
has changed. No, a computer model indicates that loss of sea ice will
occur due to global warming, so the bears are “at risk.”
This whole thing is
based on absolutely no substance whatsoever, and in defiance of the
facts on the ground. A legitimate justification doesn't exist, so
liberals will invent one from their overactive imaginations. And all for
the purpose of playing Whack-a-Well, so no matter where oil might be
found (and how expensive gasoline gets), the Sierra Club can make damn
sure it stays underground and America never obtains or uses any of its
own natural resources.
Put it all together,
and what do you have? Whether you're talking about reasoning with
terrorists who can't be reasoned with, bastardizing language into
meaning what it clearly doesn't, or banning energy based on conditions
that don't exist, you have a group of people who are living in a world
that's not the real one you and I inhabit. As such, their attempts to
forcibly remake it as they think it ought to be can only have disastrous
These are the folks who
appear destined to get almost total control come next January:
completely disconnected from reality, megalomaniacal, yet sly and
vicious. Somehow, I can't help but think of the Emperor (or should I say
Senator Palpatine, as we're about to elect one president no matter what)
in Star Wars Episode III, orgasmically screaming as he lightning-blasts
Mace Windu to death: POWER!!! UNLIMITED POWWWWERRRR!!!!!
And the danger mounts .
. .
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