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June 9, 2008
Cap and Trade: The
End of America
This week, the Senate
opened debate on the most massive tax increase in history and a
government takeover of private industry that makes Roosevelt's New Deal
look tiny by comparison. The sheer chutzpah it takes to even offer such
a thing is breathtaking, matched only by how frightened we all should be
by the sheer economic destruction it would inevitably cause and the loss
of freedom to which it would directly lead.
I am speaking, of
course, of the ever-so-benign-sounding “cap and trade” bill. This bill
would criminalize the normal energy usage and that goes with a
prosperous economy and the needs of daily first-world life. It would
steadily reduce, over a period of several years, the total amount of
carbon emissions permitted, but auction off “allowances” to the tune of
$3.32 trillion to businesses of Congress' choosing. (Hmm, going to your
local congressman or senator to purchase exemption from a tyrannical
law. Gee, that doesn't sound rife for bribery, graft and corruption at
all . . .)
If this sounds
familiar, it's an accurate replication of the crooked income tax system
that Congress has foisted upon us: High rates that crush the incentive
for investment and risk-taking, seize the rewards thereof, yet are
riddled with loopholes for all those with the means to grease the palms
of those in power who make the decisions. And those of us without –
which is most of us – take it in the shorts.
But this goes much
farther. This is simply a direct frontal assault on freedom, standards
of living and America as we have known it. For, you see, this is cloaked
in the cover of “being green,” which is the most dangerous movement in
politics today. Why is it the most dangerous? Primarily because it has
no opposition whatsoever, so gutless and cowardly are all politicians in
the face of the Sierra Club and their fellow enviro-wackos.
Politics, like nature,
abhors a vacuum. And right now, there is a total vacuum when it comes to
standing up for free markets, personal liberty and the freedom to live
as one chooses. No one has the guts to tell these tree-hugging lunatics
where to shove their CF light bulb mandates, their all-consuming hatred
of the car and, most of all, their cult-like blind belief in
non-existent global warming as the universal justification for this
blatant government thuggery. (What better excuse for huge government
than a “global crisis”? And if one doesn't exist, they'll just invent
And if we do not grow a
spine and fight back, no matter what we'll be called for doing it, there
isn't going to be an America left we can recognize. Which brings me to
the secondary reason the radical greens are the most dangerous lobby
today: Their real color is red – as in communism.
When the Cold War had a
lull starting in 1989 – let's disabuse ourselves of the naïve notion
that it ever ended – the remaining believers in Marxism found a home in
the far-left environmental crowd. They found common cause in promoting
big government. And at first, they were fairly harmless. But as they
found that being green was a issue that few were willing to stand
against, it rapidly grew in power. A sympathetic, liberally biased media
carried much of its water – and still does.
Fast forward to 2008,
and Big Green (or Big Red, if you prefer) is now the monster ready to
swallow the U.S. economy and radically remake society in their
totalitarian and anti-human image. Their agenda is nothing short of
forcing living standards downward, taking away energy and the
destruction of suburbia and the independence that's part and parcel of
it. (Which is ironic, since suburbia was created entirely as a response
to unchecked liberal ideas wrecking inner cities in the 1960s. At least
lefties clean up after themselves, I suppose.)
Whether it's radical
greenies who view people as an invader of and pest upon nature (yet
somehow are never consistent and commit suicide to help solve the
“problem”), or Marxist reds who haven't gotten over Cold War defeat and
still want to turn every city into New Moscow so as to somehow prove
that central planning isn't always doomed to abject failure, we must
stop this naked attempt to expand government and destroy free markets
and personal liberty for the sake of the biggest con job in recent
history – the lie that nature is at risk.
Even if they were
somehow right, it cannot possibly justify what they are determined to
do. We must fight it with every ounce of our being. The nation the
founders bequeathed us is at stake, and its survival is by no means
certain. And if this isn't sufficient to justify invoking our
Declaration right and duty to throw off such government that is evincing
its design to reduce us under absolute despotism, then nothing is.
Perhaps it's fitting
that green and red make brown – because this whole cap-and-trade thing
truly is crap. And needs to be flushed before it smells any worse than
it already does.
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