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April 15, 2009
The Tyranny of the
Carbon Control Freaks
An absolute monstrosity
of a climate bill was introduced in Congress last week, in the name of
saving us all from the “danger” that is carbon. It clocks in at a
massive 648 pages, a veritable phone book-sized paean to totalitarian
micromanagement of every last detail of all of our lives.
This legislative Frankenstein rewrites building codes to affect every
single thing in your home, from the type of shingles on the roof (have
to meet "solar reflectance standards," whatever the hell those are) to
furnaces, washers/dryers, dishwashers, showerheads, faucets, toilets,
lamps, light bulbs . . . you name it, if self-appointed energy dictator
Rep. Henry "Nosferatu" Waxman thinks it uses one tiny bit too much, it's
And if you defy the dictators on the Potomac and dare to hoard or obtain
on an impromptu black market all the household items they would ban
(which has already begun happening with incandescent light bulbs, since
they stupidly mandated compact fluorescents), the bill calls for the
feds to bring legal charges in U.S. District Court against "any person
possessing or distributing in commerce any covered product which does
not comply." We will all be criminals, simply for using
common household devices that the enviro-loonies declare to be
If you like the War on Drugs, you'll love the War on All Non-Green
Energy Consuming Devices. Ready to go to jail for doing laundry? Or
bathing? Or keeping your thermostat set one degree too high? Or, if you
live in California (the original liberal la-la land), own a black
vehicle or plasma TV?
We've zoomed right past George Orwell's 1984 and into something
even more invasive and controlling and evil than Big Brother.
On what planet could
any of this possibly be constitutional? There is no way that the
interstate commerce clause – a co-favorite of the socialist left, along
with the equal protection clause, when it comes to falsely justifying
infinite government – allows for intrusiveness so vast that it
obliterates the rest of the document in which it resides.
And that's only the half of it; the breathtaking arrogance and hubris
continues with a mandate that 25 percent of electricity come from solar,
wind, geothermal and biomass by 2025. To hell with the laws of physics.
Congress has declared it, waved its magic wand, and evermore it shall be
so. Do they honestly think they have the power of God? Not to mention
that this is the direct outlawing of coal, oil and nuclear power, but in
a slower piecemeal fashion that they hope no one will notice.
Lastly, there's the
EPA's re-classifying of carbon as a “dangerous pollutant” – never mind
that CO2 is naturally 4 percent of the atmosphere and all
plants breathe it as we do oxygen – which will prompt a second avalanche
of new freedom-crushing regulations, covering everything from lawn
mowers to livestock flatulence (“enteric fermentation”).
The end result of all
this will be economic destruction. The gargantuan tax increase all this
represents – as everyone will have to throw out all their old stuff and
buy and install new, much more expensive stuff that complies with this
insanity – will ruin this country. The lifestyle and standard of living
to which we've become accustomed will be lowered for everyone, as the
basics of modern existence consume a much larger share of our income.
But even more than
that, this bill will be the complete destruction of personal liberty.
These green fascists want to control everyone and everything, down to
the most minute and trivial detail of our lives. Or, to quote one of the
charges against King George III in the Declaration of Independence:
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of
Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
The one who is a criminal here isn't an average person with older light
bulbs or whose showerhead doesn't meet with the enviro-wackos' approval,
but Rep. Waxman and his fellow despots in Congress and the EPA. They are
using environmentalism as a front for the most thuggish dictatorial
control imaginable. This must be fought with every fiber of our being
and stopped any way it can.
For those patriotic
Americans attending Tea Party protests across the nation today, I'd
suggest you forget the little bags of Lipton. Incandescent light bulbs
and three-gallon flush toilets should be the symbols of this nascent
They would represent
the clue government doesn't have, and the place where this bill needs to
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