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July 1, 2009
Stop the Delusional
Greenies, At All Costs
It's a new version of
the old philosophical riddle: If the House rams through a totalitarian,
economy-crushing enviro-wacko bill that's not even been written, have
they really taken our liberty and prosperity away?
Late on Friday, as most
House members were preparing to depart for their week-long Independence
Day vacation (now there's an irony – as if any of them still give
the slightest damn about what the holiday commemorates), Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and a completely out-of-control Democratic “leadership” rammed
through a “cap and trade” bill that is simply the biggest tax increase
in world history and would outlaw domestic energy production as we've
known it.
More than that, the
bill was not even written when it was passed. The original 1,090-page
monstrosity was altered to a 300-page set of amendments at 3:05 a.m.
Friday morning (!), and then moved and voted on immediately. Minority
Leader (another irony, as he couldn't keep eight of his own from
defecting, without which the bill would've gone down in flames) John
Boehner was able to use a couple of parliamentary maneuvers to delay
things until late afternoon, but ultimately the bill passed anyway.
As of this writing,
there is still no written product that could be delivered to the Senate
for its review, which means the House passed a 300-page stack of blank
paper, and will let Pelosi and Rep. Henry Waxman fill it in at their
convenience. This from the same speaker who rode into the office in 2006
claiming she was going to clean up how the GOP ran the chamber.
Obviously, she lied through her teeth and simply told people what they
wanted to hear in order to win.
Third-world banana republic dictators are paragons of virtue under the
rule of law compared to the way Pelosi is running the House. She'd have
to improve a whole lot just to be a total disgrace. She has long since
shredded beyond recognition the oath she took to uphold the
Constitution, which was just as much a big fat lie as those she used to
get Democrats back into power.
The execrable Pelosi is
every bit the tyrant and despot that King George III ever was, and she
will stop at nothing to get her way, so drunk on power is she. She
recognizes no limit on her reign and no rule (of law or a chamber) is
safe around her. As such, she is very much to be feared.
As are Obama, Reid,
Waxman and the rest. They have reached the point where they think they
are gods, so much so that they can wave the magic wand of government and
change both the climate and the laws of physics. They honestly believe
that solar and wind can instantly and fully replace oil, coal, natural
gas and nuclear power with no harsh economic impact. And no amount of
reality will penetrate that all-consuming delusion. They actually
believe their own fantasies, and that those ends justify any means.
To paraphrase a
description of The Terminator: They can't be bargained with. They
can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And
they absolutely will not stop, ever, until freedom, liberty,
capitalism and America are dead – replaced by a completely wrecked
world, destroyed by their unfathomably arrogant attempt to re-make it as
they think it should be.
Or perhaps a better way
to put it would be that they lack the basic humility required to
consider the possibility they might be wrong. They have become Eve in
Genesis 3:5, buying the serpent's lie and gorging on forbidden fruit,
convinced that they “will be like God, knowing the difference between
good and evil.” So lost in their massive egos are they, that they think
they can create a better world than He did, through dictatorial
Whatever their exact
motivations, which could fill many a psychology Ph.D. thesis, the point
is that a government that's capable of this is capable of anything.
Nothing should be put past them, as they see limits on power as mere
obstacles to be gotten around, not barriers sealing off places to which
they cannot go.
That in turn means we
have to be equally committed to defending our standards of living if
they are to fail in attempting to destroy them. Just as they go outside
the limits of their power, we have to prepare to do the previously
unthinkable. The Declaration of Independence says that government
“derives its just powers from the consent of the governed,” which means
that when government breaks its compact with the people and loses that
consent, we are no longer obliged to respect it. On this Fourth of July,
that principle should especially resound.
In this case, that
could take the form of defying this bill – should it pass the Senate and
become law – and drilling anyway. To paraphrase Patrick Henry, give me
domestic oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear power or give me death!
And it should certainly
take the form of waging all-out verbal and political war against
anything “green” from this moment forward. (Which really ought to be
called red, for the totalitarian communism inherent in it.) The Sierra
Club, Greenpeace, Al Gore, et, al. should be called what they are –
lunatic enemies of freedom, liberty, the Constitution and modern human
civilization – and treated accordingly.
To those who think that
sounds extreme, I would say that it's not nearly as extreme as what the
enviro-wackos propose to force down our throats wrapped in the total
fraud of “climate change,” not to mention the destruction it will cause.
Or its de facto irreversibility, since you surely can't demonstrate
something is fixed when you can't even prove it exists. We will come to
rue our overindulgence of the psycho-greenies’ delusions. That day could
well be upon us now.
Meanwhile, America in its ignorant stupor remains preoccupied with the
death of Michael Jackson.
God help us. The Roman
Empire came to a more respectful end than this in being overrun by Huns
and Visigoths . . .
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