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November 10, 2008
OK, Republicans,
Maybe Now You See: Being Watered-Down Democrats Doesn’t Work
Can we all finally
conclude that being watered-down Democrats doesn't work? From Bush I to
Bob Dole to Bush II to John McCain, we've been running moderate
Republicans who've done everything possible to blur distinctions and
hide from the dreaded C-word – conservatism – and now we have nothing to
show for it but total and complete defeat. Given the choice between
Democrats and almost Democrats, voters will choose the real McCoy.
Yet there will be those
who insist that because Democrats won, the only way Republicans can win
is to be even more like them. Most of these folks are simply
interested in perpetuating their careers related to politics, and I
guess that so long as you lack both a soul and principles, such advice
might serve you. (Though given last Tuesday's results, I wouldn't bet on
But for those who are
principled and do have a soul, it should be clear that there is no point
at all in trying to be like Democrats. If we're going to lose anyway, we
might as well lose on what we believe in and go down guns blazing.
And it's entirely
possible that running as proud conservatives will not lead to victory in
the short term. Another truth gleaned from this election result is that
liberalism has the advantage right now, both demographically and
culturally. Believers in small government are outnumbered, and the long
march through the institutions begun in the 1960s by the far left has
borne its ultimate fruit. This will not be easy to neutralize, much less
reverse. And it may well be impossible.
That said, there is no
one more free than one with nothing to lose. If we must spend time in
the wilderness, the biggest shame of all would be that we didn't put
that time to its best possible use. We must understand both the stakes
of the battle and the nature of the enemy, as well as get rid of all
those who would undermine future efforts.
Stakes of
the battle. First of all, we must
understand that this is a battle. John McCain never figured this
out, busy as he was “reaching out to his friends across the aisle.” In
order to win any fight, you must first see that you're in one. The left
means to forcibly re-make America (if not the world) in its Marxist
image, leaving nothing untouched. Standing in the way of that means
incurring their substantial wrath.
The America bequeathed
us by the founders thus hangs in the balance. If that isn't enough to
see the battle joined, take off the gloves, and throw out the Marquis of
Queensbury rules, I don't know what is.
Nature of
the enemy. The only reason
Democrats would take the hand McCain and his fellow moderates would
reach out to them would be to rip it from its socket and leave them
pulling back a bloody stump. Liberals operate similarly to how Kyle
Reese describes The Terminator: “It's what he does! It's all
he does! He'll never stop!” There is no reasoning with them, no
relenting, no abating of determination. They are locked into their
single-minded pursuit of their liberal utopia, convinced that those ends
always justify the tyrannical means. Unless we understand that and match
it in our own way, the rest is all academic.
Last, or perhaps I
should say first, anybody not on board with being conservative and
fighting the good fight needs to be shown the door. No entity can win a
conflict if they are busy fighting amongst themselves, and as
moderate/liberal Republicanism has been proven to be a total failure
(again), I would say the initiative lies with these folks to depart if
they have not or simply will not see the light. Once we have a unified
force, then the rest can proceed apace.
Once we've shown
America that we are a clear alternative, a choice rather than a weak
echo, then we'll have a chance to win again. And that opportunity will
come sooner rather than later. America is $70 trillion in the hole and
counting thanks to entitlements, and that Ponzi scheme is going to come
crashing down with the retirement of the Baby Boomers no matter what.
There isn't enough
money in all the universe to cover that, and the trillions of new taxes
and spending sure to be passed by Obama/Pelosi/Reid will only exacerbate
it and accelerate our speed toward the financial cliff. A day of serious
reckoning lies ahead, and Democrats are neither willing nor able to
acknowledge that fact, much less deal with it. (They would sooner
steal everyone's 401(K) and IRA monies merely to briefly delay the
Only a conservative GOP
that has rebuilt its bonafides during these years in the wilderness will
have any credibility to stand against the Democrats and offer a true
alternative. If we fail to do this, then we might as well just start
preparing to withstand the cataclysms that are sure to come.
“If ye love
wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the
animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your
counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you
were our countrymen.” – Samuel Adams
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