August 28, 2007
Alberto Gonzales Leaves
a Job Only a Masochist Could Want
Now that Alberto
Gonzales has tendered his resignation as U.S. Attorney General, and
partisan Democrats have gotten in their final puerile parting shots, it
begs a couple of questions.
Why does this sort of
thing surprise anybody? President Bush said that he was sad that
Gonzales's "good name was dragged through the mud for political
reasons." Uh, duh! This is what liberals are, what liberals do
and what liberals live for.
They honestly believe
that if they're not in charge of everything, death and destruction will
be nigh at hand. Given those high stakes, the ends of crushing whosoever
stands in their way justifies any means needed to accomplish it. To
liberals, the inherent evil of Bush, Rove, Gonzales, et al is
self-evident. That none of them have actually done anything wrong is
irrelevant, for to liberals the Bush Administration is criminal simply
for existing. (Florida 2000, remember?)
As such, it is
pointless for President Bush to even try to get along with or
accommodate or appease them. The only thing offering them a morsel like
Gonzales accomplishes is to whet their appetite for even more fresh
meat. Why President Bush cannot see this, stop feeding the beast in an
insane attempt to satiate the insatiable and start fighting back is
beyond me.
This also explains why
the staggering hypocrisy of the left goes unacknowledged. They all but
scream death to Gonzales for firing eight partisan liberal U.S.
attorneys, who refused to prosecute vote fraud cases lest the result
help Republicans win future elections in those districts. Never mind
that when President Clinton took office, his very first act was to fire
all 93 U.S. attorneys without cause, just to cover up getting rid of the
one investigating him and Hillary over Whitewater. But since he was a
Democrat, that was just fine and dandy. And as for "incompetence," he'll
never sink as low as Janet Reno barbecuing Branch Davidians at Waco, but
again being a Republican and existing is somehow clearly a worse offense
than a Democrat rolling tanks on American citizens and frying some
misguided people as a result.
Finally, they hate
Gonzales for authorizing wire-tapping of terrorist suspects. Naturally,
putting the right of innocent American citizens not to get blown to
kingdom come ahead of the non-existent due process rights of non-U.S.-citizen
radical Islamic terrorists offends liberals. I'm not entirely sure why,
but it does.
Speaking of ululating
and issuing fatwas of jihad, there's the matter of selecting a putative
replacement for Gonzales and putting the poor sucker through the torture
chamber – er, I mean presenting the nominee at confirmation hearings.
What person with two brain cells left to rub together would possibly
want to go through being patronized by and condescended to by such
paragons of moral virtue as Ted Kennedy? Has it ever occurred to anyone
that the best and brightest are nowhere near dumb enough to want to
suffer that needless slander from a panel of total hypocrites? And
perhaps that is why there might be a competence problem - the only folks
willing to enter the lions' den and be trashed within an inch of their
lives are those doing so purely out of personal loyalty to the
I'd like to offer a
suggestion to President Bush – leave the office empty for the remainder
of his term. There is simply nothing about the job that can justify
putting anybody, much less a colleague or friend, through that kind of
awful treatment. Since there really isn't anybody he could offer that
Democrats would find acceptable anyway – for any use other than fodder
for political target practice, that is – why waste everybody's time? And
given the proximity of the next election, an informal Democrat
filibuster is probably guaranteed. So don't give them another platform
upon which to grandstand for TV cameras.
Alternatively, Bush
should nominate someone fully willing to engage in a search-and-destroy
mission and go into the confirmation hearings with all guns blazing.
Since Democrats will hate whoever you pick anyway, why not really try to
get their goat? There is no one more free than one with nothing to lose,
after all. (And the likes of Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, et al are
so overdue for a dressing down.)
But, in all likelihood,
Bush will do neither and try to feed the beast once more in the vain
hope it eats him last. All I can say to that on this day when Michael
Vick is dominating the news is this: If you keep feeding a rabid pit
bull raw meat, don't be surprised when you pull back a bloody stump for
an arm.
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