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October 29, 2007
California Wildfires
Prompt the Intervention: Democrats, Meet the Truth
Everything is the result of global warming, and is Bush's fault, and
none of it would be happening if we weren't in Iraq. How do I know this?
Democrats told me so. That I haven't specified what event is irrelevant,
for there isn't one to which liberals don't apply their rote, knee-jerk
recorded response.
Big honkin' wildfires in southern California that the authorities say
they have no doubt is arson? Nope, gotta be due to global warming just
spontaneously combusting the place, and because Bush sent the entire
California National Guard to Iraq.
Or the difference between the orderly behavior in Qualcomm Stadium
during the fires and the total anarchy and chaos in the Superdome during
Hurricane Katrina. Possibly due to better planning by local government
and a different attitude amongst the affected citizens? Nope, gotta be
due to Bush's blatant favoritism of wealthier southern California
residents over poor Louisianans. And, of course, global warming driven
by Bush's ties to the oil industry caused Katrina in the first place.
It's getting to the point where you could substitute trained parakeets
for Democrats on the cable news talking head shows and not notice the
difference. Iraq, warming, Bush, brawwk brawwk! Iraq, warming, Bush,
brawwk brawwk!
Look, I understand that Democrats are still sore over Florida 2000. They
regard the entire Bush Administration as illegitimate and therefore
everything he does must be opposed on the grounds that it was never
meant to happen. But like it or not, it’s done! Unless and until
such time as they invent a real flux capacitor and drive the DeLorean
time machine back to November 2000 to change the hanging chads so Al
Gore wins, this is how it's going to be. So get over it. Please!
The problem with staying angry all the time is that you eventually get
used to it. Then it becomes comfortable. And now, seven years later,
Democrats can't remember ever having felt any other way. Asking them to
put aside all that accumulated rage, based on supposed Florida 2000
victimhood and thus bearing the stamp of “righteousness,” would be like
asking an alcoholic to put down the bottle and jump on the wagon
cold-turkey. The result, even if successful, would be severe withdrawal.
So it is with Democrats. Their entire world view has been sucked into
this black hole, powered by the inescapable gravity of anger. The first
thing crushed by that gravity is the truth. And it has to stay crushed,
lest it remove from liberals the anger to which they've become so
accustomed that they can no longer live without it. That's why they
respond to it roughly the same way Dracula does sunlight.
What should give us all pause is the very real possibility that a party
so unhinged from reality is so close to obtaining all the levers of
power. No matter how well-meaning they may be (and in my view, they
aren't), the results will almost inevitably be disastrous. For evidence,
I give you the Carter Administration. Or 3,000 killed on 9/11 following
eight years of Clinton ignorance of Islamic terror.
Or even worse yet, that another photo-finish election (especially if it
is a Republican winning the electoral vote while losing the popular
vote) might just cause an eruption of rage causing a divide that cannot
be healed. The United States, with its ever-widening red/blue gap, might
have a real hard time dealing with the aftermath of another electoral
fiasco. United is the last thing we'd be in November 2008.
The first step toward curing this is admission of the problem's
existence. And that's where conservatives come in. We have to stop
enabling this destructive behavior by the left and tell the truth,
firmly but calmly and stoically. We have to stage a political
intervention. I shall do my share right now:
Twenty-six hundred California National Guard troops are in Iraq out of
17,000 available for duty. That leaves 14,400 still present for
fire-related tasks. Though in the face of flames driven by 70 mph Santa
Ana winds, I don't know exactly what they're supposed to do but duck and
cover like everyone else.
The presence of lots of dry underbrush on the forest floor after a wet
2004 followed by two dry years created lots of fuel. All it took was a
spark from either lightning or an arsonist's match. (With an assist from
the environmentalist wackos blocking any and all attempts to clear the
aforementioned underbrush before this could happen.)
And as far as any valid comparison to Katrina goes, I'll quote President
Bush: “It makes a significant difference when you have somebody in the
statehouse willing to take the lead.”
Now then, that bit of truth didn't hurt a bit, did it?
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