Read David's bio and previous columns here
June 10, 2008
Barack Obama: The
Most Radical, Unqualified Presidential Candidate Ever
It appears that Sen.
Hillary Clinton has finally been driven from the Democratic scene, for
this election cycle at least. I say appears, because these are the
Clintons we're talking about. To paraphrase Richard Dreyfuss in the
movie What About Bob?, They're not gone! They're never
It's virtually
impossible for me to think that we've actually seen the last of those
whose lust for and sense of entitlement to power has no limit. To use
another movie reference, I have to believe Hillary will at some point
rise out of the bottom of the bathtub like Glenn Close in Fatal
Attraction, no matter how sure we are she's drowned and dead. It may
well prove as fruitless Close's character went from being drowned to
shot but it'll happen. She didn't put up with all those bimbo
eruptions to get only a lousy eight years as co-president.
That said, the
Democrats accomplished something I thought even less possible than
Hillary's complete and final dismissal from the political scene: Finding
someone even worse than her as their candidate, and by no small margin.
Sen. Barack Obama is
simply the most extreme left candidate in presidential history. He is
also one of the least experienced and least qualified candidates in
history. But he sailed through for two main reasons: His name isn't
Clinton and he's black. Nothing else mattered, save perhaps for Oprah.
Yes, he's a good orator
if you ignore the nonsensical, ludicrous, Marxist substance that only
the most committed MoveOn.org member could understand or believe. And
that's on the few occasions when he's offered any substance at all. Most
of the time he simply says nothing better than anyone else, throwing
around his four favorite words future, change, believe, hope for
mindless audiences drooling and panting over them like Pavlov's dogs at
the sound of the dinner bell. As speeches go, they have about as much
value as Twinkies do nutrition.
Here's a gem from last
Tuesday night at the Xcel Energy Center:
I am absolutely
certain that, generations from now, we will be able to look back and
tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care
for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the
rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
Just what the hell are
you running for president or messiah? And how full of yourself can
even you be to think that the world consisted of nothing but unspeakable
suffering until you came along and waved the magic wand of government to
instantly fix it all, even the weather? Have you not an ounce of
Sick people haven't
been getting care? That'll only happen when socialized health care is
forced upon us and government rations it away. Jobs to the jobless? By
utterly annihilating the oil, coal and nuclear power industries and the
entire U.S. economy that depends upon them? And the rise of the oceans
it's been far colder than normal the last six months running and if
anything, global cooling should be our concern if sunspot activity is
any guide. He might freeze us all to death in his stupid attempt to save
us all from warming that isn't happening and wouldn't be a danger if it
Obama is a delusional,
arrogant fool, presuming to lead a country that exists only in his mind
and those of his cult-like followers. The problems he describes don't
exist and ones far worse will be created in his insane attempts to fix
what isn't broken. If this lunatic gets elected opposite a Democratic
super-majority in Congress, America as we know it is finished. We will
suffer the dire consequences, and it will make the stagflation, gasoline
lines and malaise that was the Carter Administration look like the good
'ol times by comparison.
But this goes beyond
garden variety far-left nuttiness. Obama is also dishonest and disloyal,
and has repeatedly been so. Here's the list so far:
Publicly threw his
white grandmother who raised him under the bus, calling her racist
First defended Rev.
Jeremiah Wright's bigoted rants, saying he couldn't disown him any more
than his grandmother (whom he just got done disowning), then when the
heat grew too great, promptly turned around and denounced him, while
claiming not to have heard anything else incendiary from his pastor of
20 years (that's 1,040 weekly Sunday sermons) who performed his marriage
ceremony and baptized his kids.
Resigned from his
church after public outrage when Fr. Michael Pfleger's hateful rants
came to light
There's also throwing
Louis Farrakhan under the bus after Hillary cornered him in a debate
(which may yet come back to haunt him if this rumored video of his wife
Michelle ranting at an event Farrakhan also attended turns out to be
true), and the whole flag pin business, but Obama's pattern of behavior
is very clear: Absurd denials followed by betrayals to save his own neck
presuming that even those are legitimate and not purely for show.
Suffice it to say, that
is not the behavior of a man who should be allowed anywhere near
the Oval Office. And were the liberal drive-by media not completely in
the tank for him, the real Obama would be known and he would have
already faded back into obscurity, presuming he could ever have left it
in the first place.
Barack Obama cannot be
allowed to become president in January. If he does, Iran's Ahmadinejad
won't have to nuke America into oblivion we'll have already committed
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