



Read David's bio and previous columns here


March 11, 2009

Oppose the Green Agenda, or Surrender Your Freedom


Nowhere is the Obama Administration's hubris more apparent than energy policy. They apparently think they can wave a magic wand and change the laws of physics and economics. From corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards on vehicles to solar and wind power, they honestly believe they can just order new, efficient and profitable technologies into existence, as easily as flipping a switch.


The cold, hard reality will hit home in several different forms:


• We will see much higher energy prices, which will serve as a massive tax increase on everyone and everything, dwarfing anything being contemplated within the context of budget negotiations. The idea that we can simply be forced away from the oil and coal, which provide cheap, plentiful energy and onto unproven, less effective, more expensive technologies for which there isn't yet infrastructure – much less do so without significant economic impact and hardship – is sheer lunacy.


The cost of energy is a factor in everything, from raw materials to manufacturing to distribution to sales to consumption. Anything that raises it will result in a ripple effect that will exponentially multiply the cost of business and living.


• Expect the effective outlawing of entire vehicle classes that can't possibly hope to reach the CAFE fuel-efficiency standards that Obama and his EPA will order, the unchangeable truths of science notwithstanding. Kiss those SUVs goodbye and get ready to drive nothing but mini-Coopers around. (Though without bigger vehicles to compare against, we may just have to call them Coopers from now on.) Oh, they won't be prohibited per se, thus allowing phony deniability on Obama's part, but when it won't be possible to manufacture anything else thanks to their ridiculous mileage regulations, they'll be gone.


And get ready to see more people be killed in crashes, as the tiny, lightweight cars forced upon us will crush like so many soda cans upon impact.


• We will experience the lowering of standards of living and a direct assault on suburbia, as it will be much harder to live in a larger single-family home in a more outlying development when the combined cost of heat, electricity and fuel for vehicles will be totally unaffordable.


But hey, at least we'll have a clean, green environment. So what if we have to sacrifice personal liberty, lower our standards of living and pay tons more for everything? 


The Obama Administration and the radical greenies whose bidding they're doing don't care at all about the impact of this lunacy they call an energy policy. Actually, their policy is simple – they're against energy. We have more oil under our land and seas, from ANWR to off-shore to shale oil in the Rockies, than we know. And America is the Saudi Arabia of coal. We're positively lousy with the stuff. Both substances are inexpensive and make a modern lifestyle possible for even those of limited means.


And don't even start with nuclear power plants. Even though California is already at the point of rolling blackouts when it gets hot in the summer and demand for air conditioning spikes electricity use, you can't get any more of the cleanest form of power plant built at all. So just where are we supposed to get sufficient power to serve a growing population?


Naturally, Obama and environmental activists want to outlaw via regulatory fiat all three – oil, coal and nuclear. We'd be the only nation on Earth that would put its domestic energy supplies completely off-limits. And then put all our faith, hope and without question money into millions of acres of windmills, solar panels and corn for ethanol. God help us if it's cloudy and still a lot of the time . . .


The time for passive neutrality has passed. If you want to keep your standard of living at the level it has been and not be effectively sent back to the 18th Century, if you want to be able to choose to buy an SUV so you won't get squished in something fit only for parading Shriners, if you want to live in a suburban home and drive instead of an inner-city high-rise next to a billion-dollar train, if you want to retain any element of freedom and control over your existence and not be reduced to a level where animals and plants are considered higher forms of life, then you need to actively oppose the environmentalist agenda.


Make no mistake – they are determined to remake society in their totalitarian, tree-hugging image, consequences to humanity be damned. (Even as they hypocritically keep these vestiges for themselves, from Speaker Pelosi's jet to Obama's limousine fleet.) And for whatever they can't get past a Senate filibuster, Obama will issue an executive order or his EPA will write a new regulation – in essence, a green dictatorship.


Simply to force a stalemate, we must get up and fight, matching their effort and ferocity.


To keep the life of freedom we've come to know and love, and to make it available to many more by accessing all of the plentiful, inexpensive energy that lies waiting for us, we will have to exceed the determination of those who honestly think we're all going to die from “global warming” should they not get their way.


The only thing that would be so lethal is allowing these lunatics to realize their twisted goals. They are the real danger here, not the fraudulent “crisis” that exists only in their human and freedom-hating minds.


© 2009 North Star Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.


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