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June 10, 2009
Obama's Execrable
Speech to Muslims
You won't hear any of
this via the state-run media, but President Obama gave an outrageous,
pathetic, execrable speech in Cairo last Wednesday.
First, he falsely gave
credit to Islam for all sorts of historical achievements that pre-dated
it by centuries, and with which they had no involvement at all. Space
precludes me from listing them all here, but a few of the whoppers
included: Algebra (ancient Babylon, then Greece, both which pre-dated
Islam by a millennium or so); navigation and the compass (China and the
Mayans both easily surpass and well before Islam); pens and printing
(Gutenberg invented movable type in Germany in 1439, and ink on
parchment pre-dated Islam by the better part of two millennia);
arches and spires (uh, Rome, Greece, Persia, et al?).
And to start that list,
Obama described himself “as a student of history.” He apparently forgot
to mention that he flunked the course. History, as the rest of us know,
is stuff that actually happened.
Then, with his usual
inability to say America is right about anything, he soft-pedaled
responsibility for 9/11 and pandered to those he should have been
lecturing. (Never did he utter a peep about Islam's horrible treatment
of women and homosexuals. I'd think that would trouble the feminists and
gay rights folks just a wee bit.)
Virtually everything he
said was about America not stereotyping or blaming all of Islam for what
19 evil monsters did to 3,000 innocent people. There was not a word to
the folks of the religion from which these terrorists sprang about its
role in having created them, nor their responsibility as fellow Muslims
to not let violent psychos tarnish the whole of that body of believers.
Given a golden
opportunity to confront the Islamic world about its inexcusable and
cowardly silence (which naturally leads the rest of us to conclude they
must be OK with it), Obama instead went completely supine, failing to
condemn an accommodating attitude toward that unconscionable butchery
Worst of all, he drew a
despicable moral equivalence between the Holocaust and the Palestinians
that should leave any human being with a sense of decency tossing his or
her lunch:
the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and
anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust . . .
Six million Jews were killed – more than the entire Jewish population of
Israel today. On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the
Palestinian people – Muslims and Christians – have suffered in pursuit
of a homeland. For more than 60 years they have endured the pain of
dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza and
neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never
been able to lead. They endure the daily humiliations – large and small
. . .."
Here's a lesson for the
pompous “history student”:
Six million Jews who
had done nothing to Germany were rounded up, stuffed in train cars like
abused cattle, put in concentration camps, then herded through gas
chambers and the bodies shoveled into furnaces. It's the clearest
example of abject evil in the history of mankind on Earth. And in
response to the discovery of this heretofore unfathomable horror of
unassuming lambs being led to genocidal slaughter, the world felt
compelled to create a place where Jews could finally be safe and
continue to exist.
The Palestinians have
done nothing but practice murder and terror against Israel, and wallow
in the same anti-Semitic hate which led to the Holocaust in the first
place. They spend the whole of their existence determining ways to
finish the extermination Hitler began. They openly celebrated 9/11 – the
only place on Earth that did.
They can't even
properly govern themselves as a modern civilization. No other Arab or
Muslim nation will take them in, preferring to have the manufactured
“victims” to demagogue for a morally blind and pliant western media than
to actually live next to these vermin. And in response to the
never-ending attacks by their immediate neighbors, Israel has done what
it had to so in order to live safely. To the extent the Palestinians
have no freedom as a result (and are “humiliated,” poor babies), they
have brought that condition entirely upon themselves.
The idea that there
could ever be any moral equivalence between these two peoples and
circumstances is disgusting in the extreme. More than that, it sends a
clear message to Israel and whoever else doesn't wish to live under the
sharia law of the caliphate: You're on your own – America will not be
there for you. Consider yourselves thrown under the bus.
And in that, Obama all
but assures the very war he arrogantly thinks he's preventing. He will
embolden the aggressors (e.g. Iran) and force the rest of us to take up
arms in active defense (e.g. Israel preemptively bombing Iran, which
would spark a regional war into which most of the world would quickly be
The world could well be
lucky to survive the disgraceful abomination that is this presidency.
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