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March 31, 2008
John McCain Leads
the Gutless Old Party
Increasingly, it seems
that the Republican Party would rather quit or simply embrace liberalism
than fight for the conservatism in which they used to believe. It
doesn't seem to matter how little they have left to lose. They'll find
some reason or other to keep going along in the same leftward direction
as the Democrats, just a tiny bit more slowly.
They would apparently
rather be the Vichy Republicans, named for the puppet government of
France that Nazi Germany appointed in the city of Vichy during its World
War II occupation. Just as some Frenchmen sold out their country and
brethren for the trappings of entirely phony “power” – as if they could
really do anything of which the Nazis disapproved – so too are many
Republicans more than willing to adopt and implement the policies of
their erstwhile “enemy” just so they can pretend they have more
influence than they really do. As if they could really pass anything of
which the Democrats disapproved.
And when it appears
they cannot obtain even that, well then they simply quit. Some 29 House
Republican members are not running for re-election this year, the
second-highest total ever. I guess we know what their commitment to the
conservative cause is. When the going gets tough, they get going – home.
Sadly, this is all
happening at a time when Republicans ought to be thanking the Democrats
for all the softballs they're tossing right down the middle of the
plate. And yet, inexplicably and maddeningly, the GOP refuses to lift
the bat off its shoulder and swing for the fences.
The Democrats tried to
ram the biggest tax increase in history through, and this before the
expiration of the Bush tax cuts, which itself represents another
gargantuan tax increase. They are completely disconnected from reality
on Iraq, and unable to loosen the choke-chain their far-left base has
wrapped around their throat. And their two presidential candidates are
both vociferous, hard-core anti-capitalists, determined to exterminate
the private sector once and for all. And they are about to commit
mutually assured destruction of each other with the nomination as the
trophy going to the winner – or survivor, as the case may be.
In years past,
Republicans would have fallen on their knees crying “Thank You, Jesus!”
if handed such a situation, so ripe for exploiting. They'd have jumped
all over the Democrats for their obsession with massive tax hikes,
perhaps even quoting Reagan: “I have only one thing to say to the tax
increasers: Go ahead, make my day!”
They'd flambé the
Democratic leadership for their utter inability to be anything but the
submissive to their base's dominant. (Hey, Democrats are into kinky
stuff, right?) And they'd raise hell over their blatant trashing of
liberty and free markets. It's not Big Oil and Pharma you should fear,
it's the EPA, FDA and the dozens of other alphabet soup bureaucracies
forcing themselves into every aspect of your daily life.
Most of all, they'd be
gleefully encouraging the impending meltdown on the other side and using
it as the most illustrative example of all as to why Democrats are unfit
to hold power – because they can't even manage their own party
machinations without royally screwing them up. Instead, it's left to
Rush Limbaugh to stage Operation CHAOS (Crush Hillary And Obama
Simultaneously) so as to keep the port-side fur flying as much and as
long as possible.
But alas, the GOP is
instead neck-and-neck with MLB Commissioner Bud Selig in the impotence
rankings. The silence coming from the right side of the aisle is
deafening. They have so thoroughly wrecked their own credibility with
their pork-a-holic spending while in power that even when handed this
glorious opening, they can't bring themselves to make like the Prodigal
Son and finally come the heck home.
Worst of all, you have
the ostensible standard-bearer for the conservative cause openly
parroting if not outright agreeing with many of the Democrats'
positions! From border security to global warming to giving terrorists
constitutional protection, he is indistinguishable from his “opponents.”
Senator John McCain,
who will be the Republican presidential nominee, is no conservative and
has spent the better part of the past decade sticking it to
conservatives every way he can. He'll still reach out to his base, all
right – moderates, independents, Democrats disliking both of their
options and the mainstream media. But substantively, he's scarcely
better than they are. And he's counting on a sufficient number of
conservatives who feel they have no alternative voting for him with one
hand while holding their noses with the other.
What does this say
about a once-great party? The nation itself hangs in the balance, with
the inmates a whisker away from taking over the asylum. And to top it
off, they are very much divided against themselves, with two candidates
who are equally appalling. The situation fairly screams for going
strongly on offense.
And what are
Republicans doing instead? Mimicking them, quitting and nominating the
singularly worst-equipped presidential candidate to take advantage of
the gift the Democrats are trying to hand them.
Perhaps it's time to
change the acronym: GOP – Gutless Old Party.
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