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January 21, 2008
Liberals: A
Real-Life Cartoon
"In this present
crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the
– President
Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981
With yesterday's
inauguration of President Barack Obama (man, that phrase is going to
take some getting used to), liberals have returned to a level of
virtually unchecked power not seen since the mid-1960s. And, like it or
not, that means the rest of us are going to have to get used to
suffering the adverse consequences of their reality-defying ideas and
A couple recent
examples of liberals unknowingly lampooning themselves:
Schools in Minnesota
were closed on Friday, January 16, because the 20-below-zero
temperatures, combined with the state government-required use of
bio-diesel fuel, caused school buses to not start and/or die in the
middle of the road. Since districts couldn't risk children being left
standing outside in lethal arctic cold – which, of course, only a fool
wouldn't foresee in Minnesota in January – classes were canceled. So, to
put it in a nutshell:
• Liberals believe we're all going to die
from “global warming” (Who said they didn't have a capacity for blind
• Biofuels are hailed
as an answer to this “crisis”
• State government thus
mandates biofuel for school buses
• Buses fueled with
biodiesel can’t run because the frigid temperatures
cause the fuel to turn into gelatin
Anybody see the
delicious irony? (If you don't, you're probably a liberal.) Had we
simply stayed with the standard gasoline-powered internal combustion
engines, kids would've been at school. Instead, the radical
environmentalism practiced by liberals proved far more potentially
lethal, by risking leaving children stranded in Siberian weather that
was inevitably going to occur, than the phony “crisis” of which they
foolishly remain convinced.
Or President Obama's
determination to pass an $850 billion “stimulus package” that will, in
one fell swoop, magically cure all our present economic difficulties.
• Liberals believe
that economic slowness can be solved by more government spending
• $850 billion
pork-barrel bonanza hailed as answer to this
• This $850 billion
must first be taken out of the economy by government in order to pay for
• Economy gets worse as the activity that
the $850 billion would have driven never occurs, and the
risks/investment that produced the $850 billion in the first place are
curtailed. (Why bother if government seizes most of the profits?)
Again, see the irony?
If Obama had a clue how the economy really works, he'd propose cutting
the capital gains tax to incentivize investment and cut the world's
second-highest corporate income tax rate to a level matching the rest of
our global competition so as to remove a major incentive for companies
to leave America and attract overseas capital. Instead, his “stimulus”
will likely lead to further economic impotence, to the extent it has any
effect at all. And he stupidly advocates punishing companies who
relocate overseas, only hastening their departure.
How long will the left
play Wile E. Coyote to reality's Road Runner? Unlike the former, who can
repeatedly plunge off a cliff, hit the desert floor and still get up and
walk away, the damage done by the left will be real, lasting, painful
and not at all funny.
So why do liberals do
it? Because they have been consumed by their own egos. They're convinced
that if they can forcibly remake the world as they think it ought to be,
we'll have utopia. And that their superiority is so self-evident, it
inherently justifies the totalitarianism they would implement so as to
prove they can indeed legislate the laws of physics and economics out of
That's what this is
really all about – power and control. Who will be in charge of your
life? You, or a small band of arrogant, egomaniacal politicians who are
dangerously, if not proudly, disconnected from reality? They think that
if government can amass enough power and control, from dictating
personal transportation to how your money is spent, they can create
And the Coyote honestly
thought all his ACME contraptions would catch the Road Runner, too.
Th-th-th-th-that's all,
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