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October 20, 2008
Halfway to a Banana
Stuffed ballot boxes
and state-run media were once the stuff of tinpot dictators and
communist regimes, from Kim Jong Il's North Korea to Hugo Chavez's
Venezeula, from Saddam Hussein's Iraq to Fidel Castro's Cuba. Once, we
would look at these countries and wonder how things could ever have
gotten that far out of hand. And then we'd be thankful that such things
didn't and couldn't happen here in America.
Fast forward to 2008,
and the formerly unthinkable has become reality. The ultra-liberal group
ACORN, under whose aegis Sen. Barack Obama got his start in politics and
with whom he's had a long and close relationship (to the point of his
campaign donating $830,000 to them), has been investigated for voter
fraud in some 17 states. Phony registrations by ACORN bearing the names
of the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys and even Mickey Mouse have
been found. The FBI is conducting a federal investigation of them under
the RICO anti-racketeering statutes.
Meanwhile, the
Democratic Secretary of State in Ohio, Jennifer Brunner, has admitted to
secretly holding onto 200,000 likely fraudulent voter registrations. And
the Supreme Court just ruled that the Ohio Republican Party doesn't have
standing to sue, so even if they find an appropriate plaintiff and
re-file, she can run out the clock until Election Day and dump all these
ballots into the total count.
And this is likely just
the tip of the iceberg. It defies common sense to think that ACORN isn't
active in all 50 states, pulling the same criminal stunts so as to rig
the outcome the way they'd like it to be. The only reason we haven't
heard more is that many states have attorneys general and secretaries of
state who are partisan liberal allies of ACORN and they're not going to
look. They'll just paraphrase the Wizard of Oz: “Ignore that cheating
behind the scenes! The great and powerful Oz has spoken!”
What of the media? It
used to be their job to expose such corruption in high places. Alas,
they too have thrown in with their leftist allies. They now serve more
as a weapon to intimidate those who'd hurt the chances of liberal
candidates by speaking out, than anything resembling “reporting.” And
they are completely in the tank for Obama, willing to propagandize on
his behalf, covering up his associations and background while giving a
veritable proctologist exam to those they want to destroy, like Gov.
Sarah Palin.
Witness how fast the
media was able to splash Palin's daughter's pregnancy all over the
tabloids and hypocritically beat her up for it. Or try desperately to
manufacture a phony scandal over the justified firing of an Alaska state
trooper who tasered a child and was drunk on the job.
And in the last few
days, they've unleashed their wrath on “Joe the Plumber,” one Joe
Wurzelbacher of Holland, Ohio, who had the audacity to ask Obama why his
taxes ought to be raised and object to the Marxist answer he received (gotta
“spread the wealth around”). They've checked out his taxes and the
status of his plumber's license, and probably have his kids' report
cards as their ace-in-the-hole.
Yet they just can't
manage to ask Obama to explain his long-time associations with an
America-hating terrorist (William Ayers) and a racist pastor (Jeremiah
Wright) or release his original birth certificate, which might just
prove he's not a natural-born citizen and therefore constitutionally
ineligible to become president.
Joe the Plumber can't
affect any of us at all, and they ransack his life. Obama could take our
money, property, liberty and freedom away in service of socialist
redistribution, and he's untouched.
And to cap it all off,
there were the pre-written “analyses” of Wednesday's last debate, in
which Sen. John McCain soundly defeated Obama, though you'd never know
it unless you saw it yourself. Obama could have pratfallen over the desk
ala Chevy Chase while McCain channeled George Washington and Abraham
Lincoln rolled into one and the media would have said the former had
won. Their “scorecards” were as rigged as the birth certificates of the
Chinese women gymnasts at the Beijing games.
We are frighteningly
close to having elections with no more credibility than those of the
aforementioned tinpot dictators. If we should lose that integrity, we
lose the republic with it. The experiment in self-government that is
America would be over. And we would be just as much a banana republic as
a third-world thugocracy.
This cannot be allowed
to happen, and if it somehow does, I would hope that a great many
Americans would do what the Declaration of Independence counsels:
“That whenever
any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends
[securing inalienable rights],
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed,
will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn
that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable
than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
But when a long
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide
new Guards for their future security.”
© 2008
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