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April 7, 2008
Iraq Hearings: The
Execrable Speaker Pelosi
This week, General
David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker are scheduled to testify
before Congress with an update on the situation in Iraq, as required by
that same body as part of the last funding bill. Given the outstanding
progress since the surge (12 of 18 benchmarks met, substantial progress
on five more and only one stalled), they ought to be greeted with a
hero's welcome representing the gratitude of a nation for a job well
Instead, Speaker Nancy
Pelosi has in essence already called Petraeus a liar and demonstrated
that she for one has no intention of listening to what either man has to
say. And that for her part, the event will be nothing more than a
dog-and-pony show, wherein liberal politicians grandstand for TV cameras
by demagoguing honorable men to the delight of their Bush-hating base,
in which case, we'd all be better off if she simply canceled them. That
would at least be the honest thing to do.
Pelosi warned Petraeus
and Crocker “not to put a shine on events” in Iraq. “I hope we don't
hear any glorification of what happened in Basra,” she said, and
questioned how the cease-fire was achieved, saying “the terms were
probably dictated by Iran.”
Fact is, the events in
Basra were simply the long-overdue taming of Moqtada al-Sadr and his
Shia militia. They were left to wreak havoc for far longer than they
ought to have been. And now that the hammer is finally being brought
down on them, to the credit of Prime Minister al-Maliki and the Iraqi
defense forces, it only stands to reason that their resistance would
cause a temporary small spike in violence. It will quickly pass as they
are defeated and come to see that their best course of action is to
participate in the new Iraq being built – the alternative being, of
course, annihilation.
But Pelosi doesn't even
have this amount of common sense. Instead, she has declared Basra
prima facie evidence of defeat and failure, made a not-so-subtle
insinuation that Petraeus is coming here intent on lying if he says
anything else, and insulted and denigrated both Iraqi security forces
and the entire U.S. military by suggesting that the only reason this
ended was because we caved in to Iran, who then ordered Sadr and his
forces to stand down. (Well, at least she's finally acknowledging Iran's
infiltration, not that she's willing to do anything about it – except
retreat, of course – which forces one to wonder why, if such a cave-in
actually happened, she'd have any problem with it.)
In years past, this
sort of calumny would have been met with charges of sedition or treason,
and very possibly a challenge to a duel for having insulted a good man's
honor. In more recent years, it might have resulted in one's resignation
in shame or certainly a loss of one's leadership post. And no matter
when, there would have been widespread outrage at such a thing coming
from the mouth of one holding the second-most-powerful office in the
country. Because, in years past, the Speaker of the House was expected
to and did know better than that.
But no longer. Today,
Pelosi spews her venomous bilge and it's scarcely noticed. I'm not sure
who this puts in the worse light – her for spewing it or us for failing
to notice it and respond accordingly.
And what's more, I
don't think her remarks are really driven by anything in Iraq.
Certainly, the content itself inherently demonstrates a total disconnect
with, disregard for and denial of the facts and reality. So what drives
I think Pelosi still
has her mind on Florida 2000 instead of Iraq 2008. As far as the hard
left is concerned, and Pelosi is a charter member thereof, President
Bush was never legitimately elected. As such, everything he does must be
reflexively opposed to the hilt. His administration should never have
existed, and therefore must be erased from the history books even before
they can be written. And Iraq has become the main issue in which this
attitude manifests itself.
What's unnerving about
this is that if liberals are still reacting in such knee-jerk fashion
some eight years after the fact, they're probably never going to get
over it. They have become so used to being sore losers and angry that
“they wuz robbed!” that they are now comfortable with it. Many of them
probably can no longer remember ever having felt any other way.
President Bush has become Moby Dick to their Captain Ahab – which is to
say, a debilitating obsession.
This in itself might
not be a big thing, except that we're talking about someone who is third
in line to the presidency. We indulge at our own peril the idea that
such a person can continue this way without, at some point, inflicting
some serious damage on the nation as a result.
The sooner the
execrable Speaker Pelosi adds the word “former” to the front of her
title, the better off we all shall be.
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