Read David's bio and previous columns here
January 28, 2008
Hey, Al Gore! Give
Me Light Bulbs and Thermostats or Give Me Death!
Minus 17° F. That was
the low temperature this mid-winter morning as I walked outside and
coughed on the frigid arctic air that burned my windpipe as I attempted
to inhale it, before starting my minivan's engine so it could idle for
20 minutes and then be warm enough to drive.
Some think we
Minnesotans are crazy to live in such conditions, but then every
location has its risks – hurricanes in the southeast, summer heat in the
desert southwest, and so on. Those of us endowed with a healthy sense of
humility, logic and common sense understand that these extremes are
perfectly normal; that they have been occurring off and on for many,
many years; and that they are far beyond our puny ability to
significantly affect.
Sadly, this grounded
understanding has completely escaped one Al Gore and his radical
environmentalist acolytes. Ol' Al has jumped off the reality train and
headed for parts unknown.
Never mind the crust of
frost on my bedroom windows; Al says “the climate crisis is
significantly worse.” You want to come up here without thermal
underwear, a parka, gloves and a stocking cap and say that?
Never mind the two-foot
thick ice that has returned to and now covers Disko Bay, Greenland. Al
says the polar ice caps may disappear during summers within five years.
Imagine that: ice melting in the summer, and freezing back in winter!
The hell you say!
And never mind the
federal government banning incandescent light bulbs come 2012; Al says
it's not enough, and that we must change laws, “not just light bulbs.”
Uh, first of all Al, the new ban is changing the law, you idiot!
And more importantly, you and your wacko tree-hugging allies have no
right whatsoever to stomp on personal liberties just to stroke your
massive ego for having solved an entirely non-existent crisis.
That is really the
point here. The tyrannical means being used to implement this lunatic
environmentalist policy is so beyond anything we Americans should find
tolerable, much less acceptable, that even if the ends were desirable we
should not stand for it. What we are really talking about, when you take
away the pseudo-benevolent green crapola behind which these psychos
hide, is totalitarian control of every last detail of your life.
Think that's too
strong? Think I'm overreacting? The California Legislature – where most
whacked-out loony left-wing ideas begin before marching across the land
to torture and harass us all – is currently considering a bill that
would put government in charge of all thermostats in the state,
ostensibly to reduce energy consumption. That this consumption is
entirely being paid for by the consumer and therefore no drain on anyone
else is apparently beyond their limited mental capacity. As is private
property and the Fourth Amendment.
It should not take a
constitutional law expert to see freedom being squashed. When government
can dictate what type of light bulbs you can and can't buy, or how warm
or cool your home will be, or what mileage a car engine must or cannot
be, they in principle control your entire life. The only reason they
haven't grabbed it all is they're moving slowly and incrementally, so
you won't notice until the chains are already wrapped around you and the
lock snapped in place, so you can't escape.
And then they use the
emotional bludgeon of being “green” to silence and intimidate their
opposition. If you stand against them in any way, you hate the
environment and you're a “denier.” About the only thing missing from
this cult-like mentality is to have folks like me be burned at the stake
as heretics.
Again, lest you think
I'm overdoing it, think about this: What does it say that we have
actually reached the point where bans on incandescent light bulbs,
proposed government-controlled thermostats and ethanol requirements that
would require wiping out the nation's food supply to fulfill no longer
raise an eyebrow, much less the people's dander? Or that Gore can rant
and rave on and on in direct contradiction of plainly observable facts
and not be totally discounted as the insane charlatan he is?
Folks, this is not
complicated. The reason we have $3- and $4-a-gallon gasoline, rising
food prices and the invasive tentacles of dictatorial control wrapping
around our lives is due to radical environmentalist policies passed by
liberal politicians of both parties, at the behest of groups like the
Sierra Club, Greenpeace and the Environmental Defense Fund – absolutely
none of whom will live by the lower standard of living they will force
upon the rest of us, as Gore himself proves by burning thousands of
gallons of fuel jetting to all these stupid “global climate change”
When these forces of
tyranny are confronted and defeated, we will have lower prices for gas
and food, the freedom to choose our home's temperature and the type of
bulb that will light it for ourselves, and a national energy policy that
isn't stark raving mad.
If I might
paraphrase that great patriot, Patrick Henry:
Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they
have? Is environmental correctness so dear, or being “green” so sweet as
to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty
God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me give me
incandescent light bulbs, my own thermostat, and LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE
or give me death!
Now then, if you'll
excuse me, I'm going to stock up on 100-watt soft whites for my lamps
while I still can without being branded a criminal.
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