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June 17, 2009
Obama Health Care:
Run Out The Clock to Save America
President Obama and the
Democratic leadership of Congress are nothing if not ambitious. Their
goal before Congress departs for its summer break at the start of
August? The end of America as we've known it, in the form of massive
health care and cap-and-trade bills that will destroy the economy and
crush personal liberty.
So why would they
attempt this? Because it would cement government power – their
power – for a long time to come. Just as the nationalizing of GM and
Chrysler will effectively result in the dictatorial end of SUV and truck
production – as only the teenie-weenie greenie-mobiles loved by
enviro-wackos will meet the mileage standards mandated by Obama's EPA –
so too will the nationalizing of health care and cap-and-trade be the
killing by government of the medical and domestic energy businesses,
Nothing in either of
these industries could occur without Washington's approval. Both would
be forcibly re-made in the far-left's manic vision. And they alone would
have control, down to the tiniest detail.
Neither new life-saving
medications and procedures nor trained, specialized doctors would remain
available for long with all the reward for producing them – i.e. profit
– taken out of the system. The cost of handing a de facto blank
check to those who are already needlessly over-consuming care would
prove impossible to afford absent massive tax increases. Government
would ration care away from some and toward others whom they deem “more
worthy” of the cost.
Finally, your personal
behavior would be subject to government diktat, as they would be
paying for the treatment of the consequences. If you think this
far-fetched, realize that we are in fact a long way down this road
already – smoking bans, trans-fat bans, seat-belt laws, proposed alcohol
and sweetened-drink taxes, etc. Require care due to an unapproved
activity, and watch it be ratcheted down, if not rationed away.
Cap-and-trade would
forcibly end coal, oil and nuclear power production in America, not to
mention crippling farming. Given what it would do to energy and food
costs, it would be an absolutely massive tax increase on every single
Plus, your personal
liberty would be gone. Everything from your showerhead's water flow to
your lawn mower's exhaust would be subject to invasive environmental
regulation, and banning on a whim. You'd probably have to file an impact
statement on methane emissions before cutting a fart.
But all these obvious
and awful consequences are of no concern to Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry
Reid and their cohorts. They're so close to the totalitarian power they
crave that they can almost taste it. They will stop at nothing to get
it. No lie is too big to float. Witness Obama claiming he didn't want to
take over the auto industry (then why did he do it?), to the total crock
of “climate change” (just how abnormally cold does it have to get before
we say “enough?”), to the “uninsured” (the number of which the left
claims exists goes up almost as fast as Obama racks up debt).
Rahm Emanuel's motto of
“never let a crisis go to waste” and its corollary “if there isn't a
crisis, invent one” are being employed to the max to mislead and
manipulate. Obama never misses a chance to say how all this has to be
done right now or disaster will ensue. In fact, the rush is so that no
one can see the awful details of these bills before Democrats can pass
them and get the foundation of their dictatorial vision firmly in place
so it's nearly impossible to roll back.
According to
The Hill, there are 45 House Democrats on record who will
vote against cap-and-trade, so harmful will it be to their farm and
energy-producing districts. When added to the entire Republican caucus,
that's enough “no” votes to kill the bill.
But the Democratic
leadership is pursuing it full-speed ahead, willing to risk being
slapped down by their own ranks. Why such political recklessness?
They're consumed by their lust for power. It's all they see, like a race
horse wearing blinders.
As for health care,
according to the
Cato Institute's latest paper, a gargantuan tax increase will be
needed. Obama, who lied during the 2008 campaign by ripping John McCain
for suggesting the taxing of health benefits, would have to do precisely
that and much more in order to pay the $1.5 trillion tab (which is
likely a lowball estimate itself, given how far off Medicare's
projections were when passed in the mid-1960s). Again, this would seem
to be a political kiss of death.
But the Democratic
leadership wants health care passed even before cap-and-trade. Why?
Because as details trickle out and discussion continues, the more people
see of it the less they like it.
The Republicans and
whatever Democrats oppose these bills must use every stall tactic
available and drag this out as long as it takes, even if it seems they
lack the numbers to succeed in stopping them in the end. It already
seems clear that if the substance of these bills becomes common
knowledge, they will die and with them, the Democrats' attempts to seize
total power and end America – for now, at least.
© 2009
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