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August 26, 2009
ObamaCare and the
Bigger Picture
In the heat of the
fight over “ObamaCare,” let us not lose sight of the bigger picture.
A trillion-dollar tax
increase is inevitably coming next year with the expiration of the Bush
tax cuts. This will strangle any nascent economic “recovery” in the
cradle, as well as further bloat the already obscene record-level
deficit and debt figures run up by President Obama, as tax revenues
dwindle through people feverishly sheltering and hiding all they can
from the punishing higher rates.
The estate tax, which
had steadily been decreasing down to nothing, will come roaring back at
its full 55 percent monstrousness. As if seniors didn't think they were
in the crosshairs enough with Obama's “death panels,” now they'll have
the majority of all they've worked for in their lives seized by
government. And any who are unfortunate enough to be in poor condition
will be faced with their caretakers having a perverse incentive to pull
the plug sooner, so that their estate can still be inherited in full by
their progeny.
The ponzi schemes that
are Social Security and Medicare will reach their inverted-pyramid
worst, as the Baby Boomers retire and become recipients rather than
contributors. Given the sheer number of this cohort and how long they
will live and draw on these programs, their mutual collapse is a
demographic certainty. Mathematically, there are simply too many elderly
and not nearly enough young people to keep transferring wealth from the
latter to the former by the current formula. And it's doubtful that even
measures like raising the retirement age, reducing benefits,
means-testing them and such will save them, so large is the liability
involved (about $70 trillion).
In fact, these two
entitlements will consume the entire federal budget by the end of the
next decade. Lest you think that sounds like a long way off, that would
only be the middle of the first term of President Obama's successor,
were he to serve two terms. If you have a first-grader, it would be
around the time he or she graduates high school. It isn't that far down
the road at all.
Furthermore, we'll
start feeling the impact much before then, much like a hurricane is felt
in the form of strong winds and heavy surf while its core is still
several hundred miles out to sea. All the government programs that
currently depend on looted monies from the trust funds for their
operating budgets will have to be cut in order to pay entitlement
benefits. Then, the worthless IOUs that Congress has left behind as
they've looted and spent the trust fund over the decades have to start
being redeemed. That will force the rest of the federal budget to be cut
and cut again, or taxes to be massively raised, or both, so the revenues
can be directed to benefits.
To put it simply, that
light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming freight train. And there
isn't any room inside the tunnel to avoid the inevitable collision.
Every last bit of the
above is a demographic, mathematical or political certainty.
These things will happen, and soon. We can't stop them any more
than we can stop the sun rising in the east and setting in the west (the
enviro-wackos' delusions of climate-control grandeur notwithstanding).
There will be a trillion-dollar tax increase next year. There will be a
55 percent estate tax. Entitlement spending is about to devour
everything else.
In this context, the
passing of a trillion-dollar Porkulus bill, followed by attempts to ram
“cap and trade” and “ObamaCare” down America's throat have to be seen
for what they are – nothing short of total fiscal lunacy. And the idea
that this will in any way “save cost” is utter absurdity.
No, the real purpose of
these two bills is simply Democrats trying to prop up the vote-buying
power base that entitlements have long functioned as for them. Beyond
being an unconscionable grab for total power and control by government
over every aspect of your daily life, they are also an attempt to
un-invert the pyramid and perpetuate the ponzi scheme for a while
longer. And not just for vote-buying, but because the collapse of these
entitlements would be a veritable death-blow to liberalism itself,
exposing the inescapable fact of its unsustainability for everyone to
see, once and for all.
Which is why “cap and
tax” and ObamaCare have to be seen by the American people as a
modern-day political Lexington and Concord. The Democrats, as the
Redcoats before them, are on the march and intent on taking away the
means by which we'd preserve our liberty. If anything, they are much
more determined and ruthless, as everything they've built up and believe
in rides upon this. This is far more than a simple policy fight to them.
For our part, this is
also much more than a political fight. As the freight train metaphor
indicates, it's nothing less than our country's life or death as a
constitutional republic. Whether it's by the imposition of government
diktat on the most personal decisions of private lives or the inevitable
financial destruction caused by vastly overspending our means, our
nation as we've known it is just as gone.
Will we rise to the
occasion and be modern-day Minutemen?
© 2009
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