David B. Livingstone
B. Livingstone is a Detroit-based writer and
activist whose history of printed zealous
liberalism spans 20 years. He has initiated
a variety of web-based activist campaigns,
including BabesAgainstBush.com and
Black-Thursday.com, which have received
global media attention. He has been a repeat
guest on Hannity & Colmes, and has appeared
on a variety of other national public
affairs TV and radio programs, including The
Michael Medved Show, The Sean Hannity Show,
and MSNBC and Fox News broadcasts. His work
has appeared in The Detroit Free Press, The
Chicago Tribune, AlterNet, The Detroit Metro
Times, and many other publications. |
Previous Columns
Absent an Obama
Spine, Health Reform is DOA - September 10, 2009
Dick Cheney: Just
Shut Up Already - September 3, 2009
Farewell, Ted
Kennedy: Where Have The Lions Gone? - August 27, 2009
Compassion: You Can’t
Afford It - August 20, 2009
The Usefulness of
Idiots - August 13, 2009
America’s Consumer
Culture: Manufacturing White-Guy Madmen - August 6, 2009
Zealots of the Right:
Demons! Demons Everywhere! - August 3, 2009
Four Real People . .
. and the Obscenity of American Health Care - July 23, 2009
The War on Empathy -
July 16, 2009
Palin’s Greatest
Achievement: Her Own Political Suicide (Thank You) - July 9,
Michael Jackson: Manufactured Grief for a
Manufactured Man - July 2, 2009
Found: Mark Sanford .
. . the Perfect Republican Candidate - June 25, 2009
Iran: Let’s Mind Our
Own Business. For Once. - June 18, 2009
Terrorism: White
Christian American Style - June 11, 2009
Hummer Drivers: Who's
Your Daddy? - June 4, 2009
GOP and Sotomayor: Some People are Never
Happy - May 28, 2009
Gutlessness Sustains the Hell That is Guantanamo - May 21, 2009
Carrie Prejean: The
Seamy Side of Family Values - May 14, 2009
Kemp Dies, Takes
Republicanism With Him - May 7, 2009
Who Would Jesus
Torture? - April 30, 2009
J.G. Ballard: A
Visionary Leaves Us, But the Atrocity Exhibition Continues -
April 23, 2009
The Jibbering
Teasickness of American Conservatives - April 16, 2009
Gay Marriage: Four Down, 46 to Go - April
9, 2009
Rick Wagoner: The $20
Million Lamb - April 2, 2009
Class War? Bring It
On - March 26, 2009
Post-Intelligencer; At Least the Detroit News Will
Probably Be Next - March 19, 2009
Conservatives, Don’t
Go Away Mad . . . But Go - March 12, 2009
Eminem Suit Gives Musicians a Shot at a
Little Justice - March 5, 2009
Bobby Jindal: But Seriously, Folks,
This Guy is the Future of Your Party? - February 26, 2009
GM & Chrysler: Saving
the Unsaveable - February 19, 2009
How Bad Can It Get?
Ask Rush Limbaugh - February 12, 2009
Americans Learn to
Live With Less . . . and Like It - February 5, 2009
The Last Laugh of Karl Marx - January 29,
Mission Accomplished
- January 22, 2009
Away With Bush and
his Smirk . . . and Good Riddance - January 15, 2009
Obama Finally Gives
America a Leader Who Knows How to Lead - January 8, 2009
The Year That
Shouldn’t Have Been - January 1, 2009
It’s a Wonderful
Life, Or It Could Be - December 25, 2008
The Flying Shoe:
Signature Image of a President - December 18, 2008
Welcome Aboard the Titanic, Mr. Obama -
December 11, 2008
Wal-Mart Stampede:
America’s Dying for a Discount - December 4, 2008
How Bad Can It Get?
Plenty. - November 24, 2008
Feeding the Big Three
Pigs - November 20, 2008
First Obama Priority:
The De-Bushification of the Executive Branch - November 17, 2008
They Remembered, But
We Forgot, the Meaning of Armistice Day - November 10, 2008
Yes We Could, And Yes We Did - November 5,
Heartbreak for
Conservatives: Ashley Todd’s Lie Fails to Produce a Scary ‘Them’
- October 27, 2008
Is America Ready For
A Sane President? - October 24, 2008
Death of the
Conservative Dream - October 20, 2008
McCain Chooses Defeat
With Dishonor - October 13, 2008
Why Do Republicans
Hate America? - October 6, 2008
The Republican Party:
Flailing Toward Oblivion - September 29, 2008
Sarah Palin: Giving
McCain That Sinking Feeling - September 22, 2008
Obama Didn’t Say It,
But I Will: Sarah Palin is a Pig - September 15, 2008
Burying Reagan in St.
Paul - September 8, 2008
Hurricane Gustav:
McCain’s Perfect Post-Palin Storm - September 1, 2008
As Went Reagan, So
Goes Thatcher: Twilight of the Fiends - August 25, 2008
The Faces of
Foreclosure: Across America, Nobody’s Home - August 22, 2008
China’s Triumph of
the Will, and America’s Olympic-Size Complicity - August 18,
John McCain: A
Profile in Cowardice - August 11, 2008
Corner Turned at the Zarqawi Factory - July
26, 2006
Too Much
Information, Too Little Knowledge - April 19, 2006
Measure in Years,
Measure in Misery - March 22, 2006
A Perfectly
Engineered Scandal - March 8, 2006
Murderous Slapstick - February 22, 2006
Hope You Had Fun
in Detroit! Now Go Away - February 8, 2006
The Party at the
End of the World - January 25, 2006
'Reform': Bush to the Rescue for Poor, Helpless Banks -
January 11, 2006
Tricky Dick Would
Feel Right At Home - December 21, 2005
Denying the Obvious: Our Defeats, Our
Making - December 7, 2005
Striking a Blow for Buyer's Remorse -
November 30, 2005
It's Never Over 'Over There' -
November 23, 2005