Lawrence J.
Read Larry's bio and previous columns
May 26, 2009
On Taxes and Spending, Democrats Must Not Ignore Public Skepticism
The American people are
about to confront their contradictions – their demand for more specific
services but less “government” in general, for lower deficits but not
for higher taxes or less of the spending that dominates government.
Also heading for a
confrontation are Americans and their leaders in Washington, the latter
of whom are preparing to expand the role of government just as Americans
seem increasingly wary of what government can or should do.
The coming
confrontation between the public and its leaders raises perhaps the most
vexing question of representative democracy: Should elected leaders do
what they think is right – public opinion be damned! – or should they
act to reflect the thinking of those who voted them into office?
For a window on public
attitudes, cast your eyes to the West – to the state that often serves
as a bell-weather for trends that will sweep the nation, from taxes and
spending to immigration to the environment. California triggered a
national tax revolt with Proposition 13 in 1978 to limit property taxes,
and we may be witnessing the early stages of another paroxysm of public
outrage against government.
Last week, voters from
Eureka to San Diego overwhelming rejected ballot initiatives, which Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders crafted, to close the
state’s huge budget shortfall. Californians want the health care,
education, transportation and other services that dominate their state
budget but, as they made clear, they don’t want to pay higher taxes to
support them.
Now, state leaders may
seek a federal bailout, which would essentially mean that all Americans
would pay for the refusal of Californians to face the inherent
contradictions in their fiscal thinking. For that reason if no other
(and there are plenty of others), Washington should reject any such
Washington, however,
may want to step back and take the full measure of what’s happening in
California. For however much the politicians in Washington sometimes
dismiss the Left Coast as a curiosity, the voters are expressing
sentiments that could wreak havoc with Washington’s bold agenda.
In Washington,
President Obama and the Democrat-run Congress are crafting plans to
reform health care and combat global warming, among other things. Voters
say they want their elected leaders to address both, and also to protect
Social Security, improve education and meet other domestic needs.
The Democrats’ health
and climate plans both call for a strong role for government – the
former, to create a new market for those who now lack insurance; the
latter, to create a system that would cap overall emissions of
greenhouse gases while enabling polluters to operate within those
Done correctly, health
reform also will enable Obama to fulfill another promise – to restore
the nation’s fiscal sanity by addressing exploding budget deficits.
What’s driving long-term deficits are soaring costs for Medicare and
Medicaid and those, in turn, are driven by soaring costs across the
health care system.
The question, however,
is whether Americans and their leaders share the same confidence about
government’s ability to address health care, climate and other problems,
and about what role higher taxes should play. Public skepticism seems to
extend far beyond the gatherings at recent anti-tax “tea parties.”
In late April, Gallup
reported that 55 percent of Americans said big government is the biggest
threat facing the nation. Also, a Rasmussen Reports survey found that 60
percent of Americans believe the federal government has too much power
and too much money. Rasmussen also found that 52 percent of Americans
said they pay “more than their fair share” in taxes and 51 percent of
Americans viewed the tea parties favorably
Republicans will surely capitalize on these sentiments to sow opposition
to Democratic initiatives.
They already call the
emerging Democratic health plan a government takeover. And while Obama
seeks to raise taxes only on those making over $250,000 and on
corporations, Republicans say those tax hikes will translate into less
investment, fewer jobs and higher prices throughout the economy.
For Democrats, the
answer is not to succumb to these largely vacuous GOP charges. But
neither is it to ignore obvious signs of public skepticism.
So, to the question
from above – should they lead or should they follow? – here’s the
answer: Both. That is, they should step up to address public needs, but
they should be careful not to pursue solutions that are far bolder, and
far more government-centered, than the public of 2009 will accept.
© 2009
North Star Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.
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