Lawrence J.
Read Larry's bio and previous columns
March 31, 2009
Reading Obama’s Mind: Some Job This Is!
I run a campaign based
on “change you can believe in.” I win big at home, and hundreds of
millions of people around the world seemed thrilled as well. I’m still
very popular with the American people, so I should have all the
political capital I need to tackle the big problems that we face.
Well, I guess that
believing in the idea of “change” is not the same thing as supporting
particular changes. When I try to actually do something, my friends in
Washington and in capitals of our allies abroad get cold feet.
Oh sure, I got that big
economic stimulus bill through Congress and signed into law in record
time, with the whole thing wrapped up a month after I took office. But
that’s because we were giving away $800 billion in tax cuts and more
spending, and it’s always easier to give something away than to take
something back.
Since then, I’ve tried
to focus public attention on the need to address our long-term budget
deficits – and things have gotten a lot tougher.
Yes, my Democratic
friends say we’ve got to do something about those deficits, that they’re
growing out of control and threatening our economic future and that
we’re too dependent on China to lend us money.
But when I offer
significant proposals to reduce our deficits, they reject them. Even
worse, they support other ideas, like providing new tax breaks for rich
people, that would actually make things worse. Sometimes, when it comes
to showering more tax cuts on the rich, it’s hard to tell Democrats from
During my campaign, I
told everyone that I would tax the rich to help cut the deficit and
finance health reform. When I took office, I proposed to 1) let George
W. Bush’s tax cuts expire for those making more than $250,000 a year;
and 2) limit the value of itemized deductions to 28 percent for those at
the very top.
Now, plenty of
Democrats worry that the former will raise taxes on small business
owners and the latter will cause charitable donations to dry up. The
charges are wildly exaggerated but, for politicians, it’s easier to
defend small business and charities than to ask anyone to pay more taxes
– even for worthy causes.
What I can’t understand
is why some Democrats, who complain loudly that my budget doesn’t cut
the deficit enough, now want to scale back the estate tax for very rich
people and to provide new tax breaks for small business that would just
give rich people a new place to shelter their income.
My friends overseas are
not much better.
When Bush was
president, our friends in Paris, Berlin and other European capitals
complained that he didn’t consult with them. They said they’d love to
cooperate with us in areas in which we have shared interests.
Ha! Now that I’m trying
to work with them on economic and military policy, they’re all running
for the hills.
They’ve rejected the
guts of a coordinated global response to the economic crisis. They won’t
provide anything like the fiscal stimulus their economies need, and
they’re too consumed with their domestic problems to help us update the
global economic rules in ways that are appropriate for today’s
That’s not going to
make my trip to Europe this week much fun. (It sure will be interesting
to exchange ideas with the Czech prime minister, who said our plan for
the global economy is the “road to hell.”)
But across the
Atlantic, the real hypocrisy comes in foreign affairs. European leaders
are happy, of course, that I’m closing the detention center at
Guantanamo Bay and reducing our combat forces in Iraq. They know I never
supported that war, so it wasn’t hard to find common ground on that one.
But, while I was
running for president, I thought we agreed that the real fight against
Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and that we couldn’t lose that one. Now,
they act like they don’t think there’s anything worth fighting
They wanted someone who
would work with them on foreign policy. Well, I’m here. But if they want
my cooperation, they’ve got to give me some help – like more of their
own troops for the battles ahead.
Unfortunately, no one’s
stepping up.
I see why presidents go
prematurely gray or wrinkly. Your enemies hurt you, but your friends
hurt you worse.
Some job.
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