February 5, 2009
Sorry, Mr. Rookie President: No Middle
Ground on Abortion
Richardson. Geithner. Daschle. Killefer.
Hypocrisy on high thermostats and lobbyist waivers.
Defections on the decadent stimulus.
Pushback on defense cutbacks. A rollover
on rendition. Even fusses over a
fouled-up swearing-in and pre-recorded
This seemed a lot more fun on the campaign trail, eh,
Mr. President?
At the risk of piling on, allow me to predict yet
another future toe stub for the
Politician Formerly Known as The One:
A couple columns back, I spanked the spanking new
chief executive for sticking a finger
into conservatives’ eyes by reversing –
one day after the Roe v. Wade
anniversary – the so-called Mexico City
rule barring funds for international
organizations offering abortions. Turns
out the president thought he was being
sensitive to pro-lifers by
waiting a day!
Yeah, sensitive . . . like a root canal.
Obama even tried hap-hap-happy talk. “I have no desire
to continue this stale and fruitless
debate,” he maintained. “I have directed
my staff to reach out to those on all
sides of this issue to achieve the goal
of reducing unintended pregnancies.”
Ah, the hallowed middle ground – reducing “unintended
pregnancies.” Or so Young Mr. Obama –
just four years removed from the
Illinois State Senate – imagines.
You’ll soon learn, sir, that no middle ground exists
on abortion. To understand why, consider
what even the pro-abortion folks
have to say about it.
A favored Clintonian mantra was to make abortion
“safe, legal and rare.” Hillary Clinton
has called abortion a “tragedy.” Even
those famed “middle grounders” at NARAL
Pro-Choice America acknowledge that
“it's critical to promote policies that
. . . make abortion less necessary.”
Hmmm. Why should America’s most protected right be
“rare,” a “tragedy,” or “less
necessary?” Because even its most
committed proponents are acknowledging
that it’s wrong. And there is no
middle ground on wrong.
Let’s try out this formulation: “Slavery should be
safe, legal and rare.” (Which,
substituting “geographically restricted”
for “rare,” was essentially national
policy for some fourscore and seven
years.) In admitting abortion’s
ugliness, pro-choicers are hoist on
their own canard.
Nevertheless, right-to-lifers have been colored as
hypocrites for failing to bite on the
“unintended pregnancies” bait. Actually,
they are smart enough to recognize that
it’s a head fake meant to take their
eyes off the main objective of – to
borrow a favored phrase from
control-freak liberals – “zero
tolerance” for wrong behavior.
Plus, pro-lifers can see through the rhetorical
smokescreen to the hard-and-fast policy
reality. The Dems boldly removed the
“rare” part of the “safe/legal”
formulation from their 2008 platform.
The president is stuffing the upper
echelons of justice with abortion
absolutists, including NARAL’s former
legal director who has allegedly said
that “there is no father and no child,
just a fetus.” (There’s middle ground
for you.)
And another 13½-sized Obama shoe remains to drop – his
pledge to sign the Freedom of Choice Act
(FOCA), which would ban virtually any
state restrictions on abortion,
including the sensitive act of pulling a
full-term baby partway out, jamming a
needle into its skull and sucking its
brains out.
Why do I suspect that the next show of sensitivity and
“outreach” to pro-lifers movement will
occur as the Presidential Pen emerges to
sign FOCA?
If camouflaging ugly actions with hearts and flowers
is Sleek Barry’s abortion strategy,
allow me to advise that in a fresh
Gallup poll, nearly 60 percent of
Americans turned thumbs down on his
Mexico City order making it the most
unpopular move to date in the brief but
exceedingly bumpy O-ministration.
Something to think about in these lonely-at-the-top
times, Mr. President. And always happy
to help.
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