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April 6, 2009
Get Government Out of
All Marriage
Last week saw yet another instance of judges choosing to supersede the
will of the American people, this time by deciding that the 152-year old
constitution of Iowa suddenly guaranteed a right to gay marriage that
was unimaginable even a few decades ago.
According to the Des Moines Register, the gay rights group that
financed the court battle “had
hoped to use a court victory to demonstrate acceptance of same-sex
marriage in heartland America.”
How ironic that a “court victory” is now being used to show that
“heartland America” is in agreement with the gay agenda, particularly
when gay marriage was pursued in the judicial branch precisely
because heartland America refused to accept it.
The fact is that a significant majority of Americans is opposed to gay
marriage. Even Californians recently voted to overturn another judicial
decision to force gay marriage upon the state.
With that said, although the popular will appears to be reflected in the
dominant status quo, the role of government in marriage is not one that
America should continue to embrace. It does and will inevitably result
in arbitrary value judgments by government in marriage-related debates,
a practice that is simply unsustainable. Why should government have the
function of operating a private institution called “marriage,” and deal
with its accompanying controversies, including its very definition,
which some religions can’t even sort out?
The necessary alternative is evident: Government has no business being
in the marriage business at all, straight or gay, monogamous or
polygamous. Government should only enforce contracts, but should not and
cannot otherwise give value to the most private and sacred of ceremonies
and relationships.
other words, I don’t need some bureaucrat’s stamp to tell me that I’m
married. As a religious Catholic, all I need is my priest. And although,
say, gay couples can have their own relationships and call them
marriages, I don’t have to recognize them as such, just as they don’t
have to recognize, say, Catholic marriages. The same goes for polygamy.
And not even marriages between (adult) relatives are excepted – they
might make you sick, but under the free-will and small-government
traditions that have served America so well, disapproval does not
necessarily translate into an authorization to ban.
Many fellow Christians might disagree with the proposition, but at the
end of the day, isn’t it insulting to Christianity that we feel the need
for a government worker to stamp some papers in order to legitimize our
marriages? For this reason, getting government out of the institution is
the true small-government, conservative solution to the marriage issue.
What about long-standing marital benefits? Well, almost all of these
benefits could be contracted for. For example, any group of people –
whether they be cousins, friends or romantically involved – should be
able to contract for hospital visitation rights. The contracts would be
enforced by the government, as other contracts are, but they would be
written by individuals into whose relationship the government has no
business intruding.
Likewise, the arbitrary differences in the tax treatment of married and
unmarried individuals would cease. There is no good reason for
government to determine the desirability of whatever it thinks qualifies
as marriage.
course, this alternative would not be the magic solution for everyone.
Calling for the government’s exit from marriage assumes individual
responsibility on behalf of adults who enter relationships, label them
as they wish and sign whatever contractual agreements they desire. The
government, however, does have a limited role of protecting children,
who largely lack the capacity of calculated decision-making. It would
remain, therefore, within the purview of government to make value
judgments regarding the structure of potential adoptive families. Thus,
if most Americans believe that only established, heterosexual couples
should be able to adopt children, then government must adopt such a
The “Domestic Partnership Initiative” currently on the table in
California takes a step toward this proposed alternative by eliminating
government recognition of marriage. It is a positive shift by a
California gay movement that until now has been, at least in part,
terribly misguided in promoting its agenda first through the courts and
then through spiteful activities and intimidation.
Small-government proponents and gay activists might be in disagreement
regarding the rationale for this initiative. This reality does not,
however, dispute the fact that removing government from a private
institution is the conservative solution to a conflict otherwise being
fought on the wrong battlefield.
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