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January 26, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Is Only
the First Target of Obama’s ‘New’ Politics
Barack Obama, Democratic leaders and the media have made clear their
rejection of George W. Bush’s “old” politics. You see, President Bush
did not launch assaults on private citizens, nor did he ever label
anyone as “unpatriotic” for disagreeing with him. Thus, Obama and his
friends are now effecting the change they promised. Welcome to their
“new” politics.
began in December. When economically versed Republican senators had the
courage to halt a multi-billion dollar giveaway to auto manufacturers
and the United Auto Workers, it became clear how Democratic leaders
intended to exercise their majority power.
the first sign of resistance, the same people who only months ago hailed
the infinite virtues of dissent swiftly implemented its demonization.
Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm called the Republican dissenters’
behavior “un-American.” Democratic Congressman John Dingell, who has
received close to a million dollars from the auto industry and has
extensive family and financial ties to General Motors, declared that the
Republican senators had “unpatriotically” opposed the bill.
And that was before the elected Democratic Congress and president were
even inaugurated.
From what we have seen since they did take office, Obama and top
Democrats have left no doubt that their message of unity is literal –
unity, around leftist ideals of course, is going to be achieved either
through voluntariness or through coercion. And what better way is there
to purge opposition than by eliminating Rush Limbaugh from the picture?
Some background is necessary. About 16 months ago, Limbaugh
criticized anti-war propagandists who invented stories about having
served in Iraq, appropriately labeling them “phony soldiers.” Top
Democrats at the time alleged that Limbaugh had called real troops
“phony soldiers,” faked extreme anger, and 41 senators, including Obama,
signed a letter labeling Limbaugh’s words as “unpatriotic.” Four months
ago, Obama launched campaign ads falsely asserting that Rush Limbaugh
had spoken of Mexicans in a degrading manner.
Yet to left-wing cohorts, Rush Limbaugh does not only hate the troops
and Mexicans. Apparently, he also hates America.
That is what the media reported when Limbaugh, some days ago, expressed
his hope that Obama’s pursuit of big-government liberalism fails.
Journalists, if we may stretch a word, took Limbaugh’s non-controversial
comments and put them at the service of their favorite president since
the last Democrat to occupy the White House.
CNN’s Rick Sanchez, for example, promised to air “the entire Rush
Limbaugh commentary” on the subject, but decidedly played just enough of
the audio to take Limbaugh’s language out of context. Sanchez then
wondered in faux-puzzlement, “I guess it’s OK to say, look, I want
liberalism to fail, because I’m anti-liberalism. But saying I want Obama
to fail, is saying essentially in what is one of the most precarious
times in our nation’s history, you want our country to fail, isn’t it?”
Yet disgracefully, Sanchez had cut off the audio of Limbaugh’s “entire”
commentary right before Limbaugh said the following: “Why is it any
different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism
fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us
dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it?”
The fact that this systematic operation to intimidate and demonize
Obama’s opponents was launched so soon after his inauguration is
tremendously perturbing. What is even more alarming is that Obama is not
only a member of this campaign – he is the driving force behind it.
Friday, Obama declared that “you can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and
get things done.” Within 100 hours of taking office, the president of
the United States proceeded to single out a private citizen for his mere
dissent, effectively expelling him from the government’s marketplace of
ideas, and with him the millions of listeners of the same political
stripe. Not even President Bush, whom we are instructed is the
quintessential embodiment of divisive politics, ever managed to
approximate such behavior in eight years of attracting the most vile of
personal and political attacks.
Welcome to the politics of hope ‘n’ change. Obama’s startling attempt to
hang Limbaugh’s scalp on the wall is a warning that the new ruler does
not want unity – he demands it.
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