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September 8, 2009
Liberals Haven’t Compared Their Rivals to Hitler? I’m Sorry . . .
never saw anywhere in the news a Democrat carry a picture to any kind of
a rally with a picture of Adolf Hitler putting him with a
characterization of Bush,” said liberal commentator Ed Schultz on his
The Ed Show on MSNBC last week. Ed was challenging his guest, former
Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo, who had just reminded big Ed about
how Democrats did just that during President George W. Bush’s tenure in
takes some sort of severe amnesia to not remember the constant
references made by some liberals comparing Bush and his administration
to Nazis. When I was an undergraduate at Cornell University, I attended
a “Peace Festival” on campus where signs depicting George W. Bush as
Hitler could be purchased as if it was completely normal. Anyone who
remembers watching the anti-war rallies during the Bush years must have
seen left-wing activists parade such signs around.
But it wasn’t just the rank-and-file left wing nuts that made the Nazi
comparison. Prominent left-wing nuts compared Bush and his
administration to Nazis as well.
George Soros, the mega-financier who acts as Sugar Daddy for various
liberal organizations, suggested in one of his books that the attacks of
Sept. 11 were Bush’s Reichstag fire, a reference to the fire that many
believe Hitler staged and blamed on the communists in order to grab
power by spreading fear of a communist takeover in Germany.
Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison also proffered the same Nazi
comparison. He told an audience that 9/11 was “almost like the Reichstag
fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they
blamed the communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that
country in a position where he could basically have authority to do
whatever he wanted.”
And let us not forget Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin’s absurd and
outrageous comparison of Bush Administration interrogation tactics in
the War on Terror to the tactics used by Nazi Germany.
But comparing Republicans to Nazis is not a new fad among liberals. It
has been a long-standing practice. In his 1988 book The Culture of
Terror, leftist icon Noam Chomsky compared Ronald Reagan’s America
to Hitler’s Germany. The Associated Press reported that at anti-Reagan
protests in three American cities in 1983, young protesters carried
signs proclaiming “Reagan: Our Hitler.”
1995, Democratic Congressman Major Owens didn’t just compare the new
conservative majority in Congress to Nazis, he stated that his
conservative colleagues were worse. ''These are the people who are
practicing genocide with a smile; they're worse than Hitler.''
Influential Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel also jumped in on the
action. “Hitler wasn’t even talking about doing these things,” Rangel
said, suggesting the agenda of the new Republican majority in Congress
was worse than Hitler’s agenda.
But wait, there’s much more. America’s number one ally in the Middle
East, Israel, is routinely branded as acting Nazi-like in certain
liberal quarters. Not only is the comparison idiotic and factually
unsupportable, it is also morally repugnant. Misusing Nazi analogies is
always wrong, but libeling Israel as Nazi-like is particularly vile for
obvious reasons.
So, yes Ed, liberal radicals are second to none when it comes
to labeling their political opponents as Nazis. Do you need any more
examples as evidence?
I have been out front criticizing the fringes on the right
for some of their absurd attacks on President Barack Obama, particularly
the ridiculous Birther movement. Some Republicans have also
unfortunately tried to make the Obama-Nazi comparison, though some of
the most famous examples of this are actually likely supporters of
Lyndon LaRouche, a man who is certainly no conservative or Republican.
Nonetheless, the left seems to be using the conservative fringe radicals
as a pretext to attack the entire conservative movement as worthless and
to rewrite history in the process.
During The Ed Show’s segment with Tancredo, Schultz also had
Huffington Post founding editor Roy Sekoff on. Playing off big Ed,
Sekoff argued that the right’s nuttiness was a direct threat to
President Obama. To prove his point, Sekoff decided to give the viewers
a “history” lesson.
“[Republicans] tried to dismiss it when the John Birch Society
questioned John F. Kennedy‘s patriotism on November 22, 1963,” Sekoff
said, “and we saw how that turned out. You can‘t dismiss this. This is
getting dangerous, it‘s getting crazy.”
Hmm. Is that a brilliant example of the consequences of right-wing
radicalism or a rewrite of history? Let’s see. The John Birch Society
was rightfully delegitimized as a serious organization by conservative
icon Bill Buckley. But for all its many, many faults, the organization
was relentlessly anti-communist. Keep this point in mind.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Did Oswald murder
Kennedy because he didn’t think he was patriotic enough? Was Oswald
riled up by radical right-wingers, like those of the John Birch Society,
as Sekoff suggested? If so, Sekoff might have a point.
There is one problem, however. Lee Harvey Oswald was – wait for it – a
communist! It was a left-winger that killed Kennedy, not a right-winger!
This is not to say that some of the loony radicals on the conservative
fringes couldn’t be dangerous today. They could, and conservative
leaders should categorically denounce their over-the-top rhetoric and
outrageous conspiracy theories. But the liberal fringes are at least
equally as dangerous, if not more so, and must be condemned as well. We
also can’t allow liberals like Sekoff and Schultz to rewrite history.
if you are one of the few conservatives trying to make the Hitler-Obama
comparison, stop it. It’s moronic. But Ed and his fellow liberal
commentators shouldn’t be getting all self-righteous. Where were they
when the Nazi label was being hurled against Republicans?
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