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January 20, 2009
Caroline Kennedy’s Application Revealed!
Recently, the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call (where I was a
fellow in 2006-2007) uncovered the application New York Governor David
Paterson is asking candidates interested in filling Hillary Clinton's
soon-to-be vacant Senate seat to complete. As it becomes increasingly
likely that Gov. Paterson will pick Caroline Kennedy for the job, I have
uncovered the application she filled out. What follows is Ms. Kennedy’s
application, which, of course, in reality is nothing more than a
humorous (and admittedly completely unfair) lampoon of a lady who I am
sure is a perfectly nice person – but someone who shouldn't be appointed
(key word) the next senator from New York.
Full Name:
Caroline Kennedy (you know the daughter of former President John F.
Email Address:
Please list your
addresses for the last 10 years: Application space is not sufficient to list completely.
Let's just say that John McCain's seven houses will look quite meager in
Father's Name:
John Fitzgerald
Kennedy (you may have heard of him if you often fly into the airport in
New York City that is named after him!).
Mother's Name:
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (I presume that name rings a bell as well?)
Do you have a driver's
LOL. Can you say chauffeurs?
Please list all persons
currently living in your household: Do I need to include all the help?
Please attach a current
resume, listing your employment history:
Not Applicable.
Have you ever had an
employment discrimination or sexual harassment charge brought against
you? Last
name's Kennedy, what do you think?
Identify all elective
public offices which you have sought or held. Specify the dates of such
service. See
answer for professional experience (hint: The answer is nada).
Identify each
undergraduate institution you attended, and any degree(s) received.
I received a
bachelor's degree from a little institution in Boston. Actually, it is
located in Cambridge to be precise. It's called Harvard, ever hear of
it? Boo Yah!
Identify each graduate
institution or professional school you attended, and any degree(s)
Yes. JD from Columbia Law School (if you are keeping count that adds up
to two Ivy League degrees).
Just so you know, I did not receive a master's degree
in public policy from the JOHN F. KENNEDY School of Government at
Harvard, the only school at HARVARD named after an individual. Did I
mention that John F. Kennedy was my father? Well, he was. Just wanted to
make sure you knew that.
Were you ever expelled,
suspended, placed on probation, or subject to any other disciplinary
action while attending any undergraduate or graduate institution?
Ha. I would have liked to see them try to expel me (though I hear from
Uncle Teddy that he tried to start a Kennedy tradition of expulsion for
cheating at Harvard).
Identify any
professional/business, civic, educational, charitable, fraternal or
recreational (i.e. country club or tennis club) organizations of which
you are a member.
Oh, Geez. This will
take forever. Do me a favor and just look through the New York society
pages, will ya? Thanks.
To your knowledge, are
you or have you ever been a member of any organization that restricted
admission on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin,
Um, yes, yes, yes (even though the husband's a Hebrew), yes, yes, and
yes. Six for six. Not bad.
Please list all
corporations, partnerships, trusts and other business entities with
which you or your spouse/partner has been affiliated as an officer,
trustee, partner or holder of a significant equity or financial
The financial advisor handles that, but I believe we have major stakes
in Lehman Brothers, Enron and World Com.
Have you or your
spouse/partner ever participated in an investment program or partnership
that, to your knowledge, was investigated by federal, state or local
authorities? This question includes any participation in an investment
program run by Bernard L. Madoff lnvestment Securities.
Of course we invest money with Bernie. Who doesn't?
What's wrong with that? Is there something I should know?
Have you or your
spouse/partner ever received a gift of over $5,000 in value?
Are we serious here? We
call this Christmas at the Kennedy household.
Have you employed any
domestic or household help?
Uh, of course. How else would the laundry get done?
Please describe your
overall health and any medical treatment you are currently receiving,
other than routine physical examinations.
Botox. Botox. Botox. LOL.
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