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December 9, 2008
Obama: More New Republic Than The Nation?
Were conservatives wrong about Barack Obama?
know, I know. It is way too early to begin to assess Obama's
administration and its policies. After all, the man does not really even
have an administration yet and won't for over a month.
Still, many conservatives are scratching their heads. Is Obama more
moderate than we thought?
Despite his liberal voting record, there were hints that Obama might not
be as liberal as many conservatives feared.
For instance, in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos in May
2007, Obama conceded that his daughters should probably not benefit from
affirmative action policies when they apply for college and seemed to
indicate that he was open to some sort of socioeconomic affirmative
action program. During his much vaunted March 2008 speech on race, Obama
inserted an attack on welfare for contributing to the "erosion of black
families." Even in his much ballyhooed speech opposing the Iraq War in
2002, Obama made sure his anti-war crowd knew that he was no pacifist.
"I don't oppose all wars" he said again and again and again in the
Yet despite these few hints of moderation, the totality of Obama's
limited record led one to conclude that he was a man of the left. Sure,
he was deliberative. But he always seemed to deliberate and then choose
the liberal option. With his picks for important Cabinet positions,
however, conservatives are forced to revise their view of the
Considering what we thought we were getting, it is comforting that Obama
has so far picked a Cabinet that is center-left as opposed to MoveOn.org-left.
His picks are not from the fringes of the Democratic Party by any means.
Obama is keeping Bob Gates at Defense, and former four-star Marine
General Jim Jones, a man with no party affiliation who is widely
respected by both sides of the aisles, will be Obama's National Security
Advisor. Hillary Clinton at State could turn out to be problematic for
Obama, but she is certainly a better (and perhaps less liberal) choice
than John Kerry, who many thought would be rewarded with that post for
his endorsement of Obama at a crucial time during the Democratic primary
Similarly, Obama's economic team is encouraging compared to what we
could have gotten. The incoming Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner does not
appear to be an acolyte of Karl Marx, and Larry Summers, who will head
Obama's National Economic Council, is considered a moderate.
can already see the influence of some of these more moderate economic
advisors. Obama has backtracked on raising taxes on "the rich"
immediately upon entering the White House. It seems now that he will
just let Bush's tax cuts expire in 2011. As for the windfall profits tax
on oil companies he promised, well, that too looks like it is on the
backburner. Hopefully, he will now backtrack on some of his campaign
rhetoric on free trade, most especially his indefensible position in
opposition of the Colombia Free Trade agreement.
You know things are going as well as they could be considering the
circumstances when it is the MoveOn.orgers who are screaming bloody
murder. The ultra-liberal base of the Democratic Party got behind Obama
early and helped propel him to victory. As of now, he appears to be
leaving them out of his administration at least out of the most
important posts in his cabinet.
Some argue that Obama is actually playing a shrewd game. He is
appointing center/left cabinet secretaries to put a moderate face on his
liberal policies. He is, after all, the boss and the job of his cabinet
is to implement his vision. To the dismay of the Code Pinkers out there,
this is a naοve notion. Obama will be depending on many of these
appointments for advice, and it is wishful thinking to believe that he
is appointing these high profile figures so he can force them to
implement a vision they don't believe in.
None of this is to say that Obama will be a conservative champion. He
won't be and no one should expect him to be. But if he turns out to be
more New Republic than The Nation, well, the country will
be better for it, even if it diminishes conservative chances to take the
White House in 2012.
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