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October 6, 2008
Answering Ahmadinejad’s
Holocaust Insanity
Appearing on Larry King Live at the end of September when he was
in New York to speak at the United Nations, Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad returned to one of his favorite tropes.
assume (the Holocaust) happened, the extent of which everyone is
speaking of," Ahmadinejad preached, attempting to pin Israel's
legitimacy as a nation to an event he doesn't believe actually occurred.
"If the crimes were committed in Europe, why should the Palestinian
people be victimized as a result?"
Let us
assume for a moment that Israel's legitimacy is tied to the Holocaust,
to the extent Ahmadinejad is suggesting. In this twisted world,
Ahmadinejad's question is a fair one. And it is one that has an answer.
In last
week's edition of The Weekly Standard, I reviewed David Dalin and
John Rothmann's latest book Icon of Evil. Their tome provides a
forceful answer to Ahmadinejad's query.
The book
recounts the life of Haj Amin al-Husseini. The mufti was the recognized
leader of Palestinian Arabs from the 1920s until well after World War
II. After leaving Mandate Palestine in 1937, the he ultimately found his
way to Berlin in 1941.
In Berlin,
al-Husseini was treated royally. Given luxurious accommodations and a
large stipend, he was looked to as a leader of importance by Adolf
Hitler and even viewed as an honorary Aryan due to his blond hair and
blue eyes.
A social
butterfly, al-Husseini met with all the right people. He had an audience
with the Fuhrer and, according to the book's authors, he became a close
confident of Heinrich Himmler and Adolph Eichmann, despite al-Husseini's
denials after the war.
al-Husseini was more than just a passive observer of Nazi crimes. He was
an active collaborator. Besides broadcasting pro-Nazi radio messages to
Muslims throughout the world, al-Husseini recruited Bosnian Muslims to
join the Nazi war effort.
"With (al-Husseini's) encouragement and incitement," Dalin and Rothmann
write, "the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS company that he recruited, the
notorious 'Handschar troopers,’ slaughtered 90 percent – 12,600 – of
Bosnia's 14,000 Jews."
course, al-Husseini's ultimate goal was to bring the final solution to
the Middle East. He attempted to do so even before the war in Europe had
ended, though his efforts fortunately failed. Through a series of
fortuitous events, both political and otherwise, al-Husseini escaped
prosecution for war crimes and eventually made his way back to the
Middle East where he continued to foment anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli
hatred up until his death in 1974.
Playing Ahmadinejad's game is somewhat a fool's errand. Israel's
legitimacy goes far deeper than the crimes of the Holocaust. It is in
many ways offensive that Israel is even forced to defend its right to
exist. It is a task that few states are asked to undertake.
Nonetheless, Ahmadinejad's question does indeed have an answer. His
insinuation that the Arabs of Palestine had no role in the Holocaust is
disproved by the story of al-Husseini. You can argue that he was just
one man, but the fact remains that he was the recognized leader of
Palestinian Arabs and he is widely celebrated in the West Bank and Gaza
Sadly, years after al-Husseini's death, the Middle East remains rife
with anti-Semitism. Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf recently
topped the best seller list in Turkey, and the Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion, a notorious anti-Semitic Tsarist forgery, was turned
into a popular mini-series in several Arab countries.
According to a recently released international poll by
WorldPublicOpinion.org, nearly 20 percent of Palestinians believe that
Israel was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. The results are worse
in Egypt and Jordan, where 43 percent of Jordanians and 31 percent of
Egyptians blame Israel for Al Qaeda's gruesome crime.
Studies of educational texts throughout the Arab world have consistently
found anti-Semitic libels being taught as fact to school children.
Obviously, such anti-Semitic indoctrination does not provide a positive
foundation for a future peace deal between Israel and its neighbors.
Even the "moderate" Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who Israeli
leaders hope they can one day negotiate a peace deal with, earned a PhD
with a dissertation denying the extent of the Holocaust.
Finally, of course, there is our old friend Ahmadinejad, who in 2006
hosted a conference in Tehran on Holocaust denial. To be fair, the
"scholarly" Ahmadinejad said the purpose of the conference was merely to
debate the evidence surrounding the Holocaust.
is always easy to ignore the taunts and ahistorical statements of
bullies like Ahmadinejad. But history matters. We can't allow the
ignorant to write it.
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