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April 20, 2009
Tea Parties: Tax Day Anger Becomes Everyday Anger
The Obama
Administration, the Democrats in Congress, the mainstream media and the
flaming liberal media are attempting to downplay the organized anger
expressed by hundreds of thousands of people on April 15 at Tax Day Tea
Parties across the country.
The president issued a
press release on tax day restating all the platitudes he has touted ever
since he was running for president. As usual, his rhetoric does not
match the agenda being steamrolled through Congress by his Chief of
Staff Rahm Emanuel, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the
House Nancy Pelosi.
The Democratic National
Committee issued a statement on Thursday, April 16,which acknowledged
people’s frustrations and suggested that “what’s clear is that the
overwhelming majority of folks support President Obama’s plan to get the
economy back on track, and provide 95 percent of working families with
tax relief, because they are not going to accept ‘more of the same’ as
an answer.”
People not accepting
“more of the same” is an accurate message of the tax day events, but
overwhelmingly supporting President Obama’s plan is a joke.
Here are some of the
signs at the Las Vegas tax day event where I attended:
“Stop the spending. Stop the bailouts. Stop the tyranny”
“Got change? Hide it
before Obama taxes it!”
“The only thing wrong
with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
Is that overwhelming
support? And is the $8 a week for a single worker and $13 a week for a
working couple tax relief? That’s the tax relief for 95 percent of
working families the president and the Democrats are talking about.
And of course Speaker
Pelosi weighed in with equally misleading statements when she said,
“This tea party initiative is funded by the high end – we call it
Astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement. It’s Astroturf by some
of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for
the rich instead of for the great middle class.” Translated, let’s talk
about class warfare.
I have warned readers
in the past that when liberals disagree with a conservative, or when
they are in denial of the facts, they change the subject. Casey
Hendrickson of KXNT 840 AM out of Las Vegas appropriately calls this
maneuver a WMD – a Weapon of Mass Distraction.
USA Today’s lead headline the day after the rallies read “Thousands
rally at Tax Day Tea Parties”. Adding up the mostly understated news
reports of crowd sizes in over 2,000 events around the country would
suggest hundreds of thousands is more accurate. But the liberals
are not counting.
And a flaming liberal
publication, People’s Weekly World Newspaper, claimed that
“Tax Day Rallies cry ‘Tax the Rich!’”. What planet are they from?
I attended the Las
Vegas tax day rally, which attracted 2,500 people, and I did not see one
sign that said to tax anyone more. I did not see one sign that
proclaimed overwhelming support for the “Obama Plan” of trying to spend
our way out of this financial crisis. And I did not see one sign that
said “socialism now”.
But I saw lots of signs
that were clearly not in support of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi direction of
the country. Lots and lots of those signs!
Mr. President, Senate
Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi, the anger is directed at y’all!
You have ignored the message and the people again.
It’s not just tax day
anger anymore. It is now everyday anger.
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