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February 16, 2009
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid ‘Stimulus’: A Victory for Socialism
Despite an avalanche of
objections from the public, the so-called “Economic Stimulus Bill” has
passed Congress and President Obama will sign it into law. The result is
bigger government and a smaller economy.
Since 65 percent of the
$789 billion is spending by the government for the government, that
means bigger government.
About half of the
remaining 35 percent goes to tax cuts for workers. According to an
analysis by Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA), that means about 20 cents
an hour for the average working American. That’s the same $800 per
working couple or $400 per single worker that other stories have
Advice, don’t spend it
all at once.
The remaining half of
the 35 percent goes to increased spending for government assistance
programs. That’s good, because more of us may be getting in line soon.
The bill passed because
of a populist new president (he says all the right things), the politics
of fear and political pandering to the gullible at its best. It’s a
perfect combination for more socialism.
Former Congressman
Ernest Istook summed it up the best. “This stimulus bill is worse than
just more big government, pork barrel projects, expansion of the welfare
system and bailout of irresponsible state governments. It’s the road to
perpetual debt.” (HumanEvents.com – February 12, 2009)
On the road of
perpetual debt we will borrow more money from foreign countries that do
not like us. We will experience more taxes, more political pandering,
more politics of fear, more class warfare, more arrogance by the
all-knowing political class (as opposed to the working class, the
business class and the shrinking investment class) and even more
national economic pain.
The Obama-Reid-Pelosi
cure for more national economic pain – more spending, more taxes and
more socialism! That’s just more pavement for the road to perpetual
A lot of liberals are
uncomfortable with the word socialism, because they do not want to scare
off the gullible, those who believe the system has cheated them or those
that believe that, now that Barack Obama is president, they will not
have to worry about buying gas for their car or keeping up on their
mortgage payment.
Liberals are even more
uncomfortable when someone makes the analogy of this “rodeo” to another
similar rodeo in history, namely, the fall of the Roman Empire.
That’s exactly what we
are witnessing little by little and bit by bit. We are becoming just
like the other smaller struggling socialist economies of the world.
And, that’s exactly
what the rest of the world wants to see, a world of perfectly balanced
mediocrity! Wow! How exciting.
The economy will get
smaller because of less tax revenues from businesses. Many businesses
can no longer hold on for some direct stimulus in the form of a tax
holiday, which they did not get. My
Economic Survival Tips for Small Businesses may give you some
helpful ideas.
Income tax revenues
will also be less because of higher unemployment. The tax on the
whopping 20 cents an hour for the average working American won’t quite
offset the shortfall.
Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi stated it correctly after the House passed the first
version of the Democratic-votes-only stimulus bill. They won the
election, they wrote the bill, and now they have passed the bill – a
victory for socialism.
We the People are still in this fight.
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