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January 5, 2009
The Intelligent
Thinkers Movement: A New Year’s Revolution
Let’s be clear! This revolution is not about bombs and bullets. It is
about computer bits and brains – a technologically empowered citizen’s
movement to take back our government.
Our federal government has gotten totally out of control.
The Democratic majority does not believe that deficits matter, while
tsunami-sized federal spending continues to increase exponentially.
Free speech is under attack (Fairness Doctrine), the right to a secret
ballot is under attack (union card check legislation), our free market
system is being invaded (bailout mania) and we have no real energy
independence strategy.
The death tax will expire at the end of 2009 generating a lot of strange
deaths in 2010, because it will jump back to full life in 2011 if
Congress does nothing. All tax rates will also go back up to pre-2001
levels at the end of 2010 if Congress does nothing.
That’s the problem! Congress is real good at doing nothing or passing a
half-baked solution to any big problem. It’s always a political
compromise to slow a problem down, but it never gets fixed.
The voice of “we the people” has been hijacked by partisan politics,
government bureaucrats and the influence of money on elections and
legislation. To take back our government, we must be able to un-elect
members of Congress on a timely basis, and dramatically influence their
decisions while they are in office.
Because of the proliferation of biased media reporting, gullible voters
and too many in Congress who willingly and intentionally mislead the
public, “we the people” must be able to provide succinct and intelligent
feedback to specific members of Congress frequently and persistently.
Then, we can hold them accountable intelligently at election time, which
is our only leverage for holding their feet to the fire.
“We the people” get one day every two years to change Congress –
Election Day. We get three days every six years to change one-third of
the Senate. And we get one day every four years to change presidents.
The rest of the time the people’s influence is pimped by silly and
self-serving polls, a biased mainstream media looking for the next
sensational story, lobbyists and politicians who have mastered the art
of pandering to a constituency with a very short memory.
a result, most of the public has zero political intelligence.
The Founding Fathers did their job. They founded this nation. And most
of us have benefited from the constitutional architecture they created.
But as a caller asked me one night on my radio show, “Where are the
Defending Fathers?”
Wow! What a wake up call!
have allowed this country to drift away from the founding principles,
and it is getting worse.
Most members of Congress are not our Defending Fathers, because all of
our major problems continue to get worse. Enough is enough!
I’m starting the New Year with a new initiative, instead of my usual
weekly opinion. I’ll write more opinions later, but we have got to get
ready to combat this new Congress. It should not be combat between the
people and the people’s House of Representatives, but it is!
The new initiative is called the Intelligent Thinkers Movement
(HITM). I’ll let you guess what the “H” stands for. Go to
www.hermancain.com and find out more information.
When they feel the heat, they will see the light.
They will feel the heat. It’s a New Year’s Revolution.
© 2009 North Star
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