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November 24, 2008
Employee Free Choice?
Fairness Doctrine? Most Absurd Names Ever
The “Employee Free Choice Act” is an insult to anyone with an IQ greater
than zero. Let me get this straight: Take away a worker’s right to cast
a secret ballot for labor union elections and that’s free choice.
That’s just plain stupid, which is also what the Democratic leaders in
Congress think of the voters who elected them.
The union bosses want to replace the secret ballot with a “card check”
system, so the union officials can see how people voted as they collect
the cards. I think that’s called open intimidation, but they probably
have a cutesy name for that also.
a worker votes to not unionize, the union officials would be able
to let all the other workers know who voted against unionizing. This
would allow pro-union workers to harass other workers on the job until
they changed their vote the next time around, or until they quit.
How can it be all right to vote with secret ballots when we vote for
public officials, but not when the unions want to unionize a business?
How can it be all right for our country to encourage the rest of the
world to use secret ballots for their elections, but for the unions be
exempt from this practice, which started with the founding of this
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was asked these questions recently on Fox
News, and this was his response: “The percentage of union workers has
dropped from 25 percent of the workforce to 6 percent of the workforce,
because employers have gained too much power.”
am not making this up.
Sen. Schumer and the Democrats cannot conceive of the fact that maybe a
lot of employers are doing something right, and their workers are happy.
So they want to increase the power of the unions by intimidating the
workers to unionize.
That’s not democracy. That’s communism, except in communism the workers
don’t even bother to vote.
Here’s another cutesy gem of Democratic deception. It’s called “The
Fairness Doctrine”. A more accurate name would be “The Censorship
Doctrine”. The anti-free-speech Democrats believe conservative talk
radio has gained too much influence over how the public thinks. Too many
people are thinking for themselves with facts and better information,
and the Democrats do not like that.
Democrats do not want people to think at all. Just do as they say.
Since the Democrats won the White House and a larger majority in both
houses of Congress, one might wonder why they would want to pass these
two silencing laws. I offer two possibilities.
First, it is partial payback to the labor unions for their unwavering,
consistent and solid support of Democratic candidates at all levels of
government. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want to oblige the unions even
if the payback stabs the American people in the back.
Second, if the Republicans ever recover from their political crash
landing and present state of wandering in the wilderness, then these two
stupid bills would make it harder for Republicans to regain control of
Congress and the White House.
Therefore, keep the public intimidated, uninformed and in the dark, and
the Democrats might be able to keep control indefinitely.
yeah. Don’t forget to throw some manure to the people every once in a
while. Just like mushrooms, it helps them to survive in the dark.
What a brilliant strategy with two stupid ideas!
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