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June 22, 2009
Obama Resists U.S.
‘Meddling’ in Iran Because He Doesn’t Get America
President Obama’s weakness and complete lack of leadership concerning
the events in Iran would most obviously seem attributable to his Jimmy
Carter-like weakness. Much like his undistinguished predecessor, Obama
seems to genuinely have no idea what to do.
That is clearly part of it, and this is the sort of thing about which a
lot of people warned during the campaign. But there is an even more
troubling reason, and Obama revealed it during an interview with CBS
“The last thing that I want to do is to have the United States be a foil
for those forces inside Iran who would love nothing better than to make
this an argument about the United States,” Obama said, clearly embracing
the notion that America’s backing for the freedom-seeking Iranians would
amount to a propaganda victory for the mad mullahs looking to squash
their pursuit of freedom.
This is Obama’s problem, and he is going to make it America’s problem.
He does not understand the United States of America, and he does not
understand its place in the world. Obama’s view of America is clearly
informed by left-wing notions of a bully that forces its will upon
everyone else. And this thinking was surely reinforced by his electoral
success running a campaign that denounced the neoconservative George W.
Bush, who saw America as a force for the promotion of liberty and
democracy throughout the globe.
that’s what Bush believed, and the voters elected Obama, then America
must be the opposite of what Bush thought it was.
Since the dawn of the 20th Century, we have really only had
two presidents who rejected the notion of American exceptionalism.
Carter was the first. Obama is the second. Neither man has understood
that America has by and large been a positive and benevolent force in
the world.
This is not to say America is perfect or has been perfect. It is simply
to recognize that our impact on the world has been far more positive
than negative, and the reason for this is simple: Our nation was founded
on the notion of liberty, and while we have made mistakes in our
nurturing of that freedom, we have nonetheless placed a premium on it in
both our domestic and foreign policies since our founding. That is why,
while people around the world may grumble about America, they
nonetheless admire us and endure great hardships for the opportunity to
live here.
Obama doesn’t get this at all. It showed in his global apology tour of a
few months ago. It showed when he sat through Nicaraguan President
Daniel Ortega’s 50-minute anti-American screed and didn’t say a word in
defense of the nation he leads. And it shows now in his refusal to offer
American support to the demonstrators in Iran.
Obama would do a little homework, he would discover that younger
Iranians – who represent a huge portion of the country’s population –
are quite positively disposed toward America, and toward western culture
in general. And it’s not just about blue jeans and DVDs. The reason
they’re protesting is that they were expecting a real, free,
American-style election, and they ended up getting scammed by their
tyrannical rulers.
Perhaps it would do Obama good to read some history, especially
concerning the actions of previous Democratic presidents. He would learn
that Franklin Roosevelt helped liberate Europe, and that Harry Truman
became a hero to the people of West Berlin when he stood up to the
Soviets and authorized the Berlin Airlift. He would learn that the
captive people of eastern Europe were encouraged when John Kennedy said
in German, “I am a Berliner.” He would learn that even Bill Clinton, for
all his faults, understood the power of American prestige and might to
combat rogue regimes.
Obama seems to think America’s place in the world is defined by
grumbling about Guantanamo Bay and the Iraq War. It’s almost as if Obama
thinks America’s history started around the time he decided to run for
do not join the idiots who see Obama as some sort of secret domestic
enemy, as some America-hating Manchurian Candidate actively seeking to
compromise our security. I just think he doesn’t have a clue about what
makes America exceptional, which is not surprising considering the
left-wing influences that informed his thinking as he came of age
America’s strong, uncompromising backing could propel Iran’s
freedom-seeking citizens to success. It could overturn a murderous
regime that is not far away from getting its hands on nuclear weapons,
which would be a disaster for the entire world. We have a rare and
exciting opportunity at this moment.
It’s too bad the president of the United States doesn’t understand this,
but what do you expect from a man who fundamentally doesn’t understand
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