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May 21, 2009
Anti-Torture True
Believers . . . You’ve Been Had
It’s no longer even interesting to point out that Nancy Pelosi is a
liar. Her denials concerning her past knowledge of enhanced
interrogations, followed by her sloppy and quickly rebuked attack on the
Central Intelligence Agency, leave only the question of whether she will
face enough public heat to have to consider resigning as Speaker of the
doubt it. If the media comes at Pelosi as they should over her obvious
lies, they will tacitly admit what they don’t want to admit, and what
true believers in the anti-torture crusade may now be figuring out
themselves: This whole issue has been phony from the beginning.
Those of you rising up and demanding accountability for the Bush
Administration’s unspeakable transgressions – you’ve been had.
Democrats, with help of the willing news media, invented an issue the
substance of which really did not matter to them. They invented a
scandal and demanded an “investigation,” knowing full well what the
facts were, and never intending to see any such investigation go
forward, simply because the political environment changed and it became
advantageous for them to do so.
Remember 2002 and 2003, when their complaint was that the Bush
Administration had failed to “connect the dots” prior to 9/11? Back
then, the public had terrorism – and the prevention thereof – at the top
of its political agenda. So Democrats pretended to be “smarter” about
how to stop it. They assailed the Bush team for supposedly having had
lots of information, but having failed to put it all together.
course, this complaint was similarly phony, and to the extent it was
true, it owed in large part to the wall of separation that prevented
federal agencies from sharing information with each other – a wall
established during the Clinton Administration, since dismantled under
years passed and no further terrorist attacks occurred – thanks to the
efforts of the Bush Administration, including the “torture” of three
suspects who gave up crucial information as a result – the public moved
on to other things, like the mortgage meltdown and what would happen on
the season finale of Lost. So Democrats decided it was time to
attack the Bush team for being too tough on terrorists –
by attacking the very techniques that had worked, and that the Democrats
themselves had known about for years.
And you bought it. At least until now, when it’s becoming obvious that
Democrats understood the necessity of such tactics at the time they were
So, news flash, Democrats make dishonest, disingenuous charges that they
themselves do not take seriously, strictly for the purpose of generating
what-did-he-know-and-when-did-he-know-it headlines, raising questions in
the minds of the public, then appearing high-minded by dropping the
whole thing.
What they didn’t count on, of course, was how easily their scam would be
exposed. Why they didn’t count on that is beyond me. Did Pelosi not
realize there were notes from the briefings she attended? Did she not
remember that Republicans like Porter Goss and Peter Hoekstra were in
those meetings, and would call B.S. on her?
Likewise, when the Obama Administration released the legal memos laying
out the case for enhanced interrogation techniques, did they not think
any prominent member of the Bush Administration would – as Dick Cheney
has – demand the release of other memos, the ones that showed what the
techniques accomplished? Or did the Obama crew simply figure that when
they refused to release those memos, as they have, the news media would
cover for them?
Along the same lines, did Pelosi assume that when someone pointed out
she was in those briefings and was well aware of what she now claims not
to have known, the news media would ignore the people calling her to
account for her lies?
There’s good reason to think they did believe that. After all, when the
New York Times decided to help terrorists by revealing the Bush
team’s technique of wiretapping their phone calls, the Times and
other media largely allowed Democrats to express their outrage and
horror without calling them to account for having known about it all
along. Why not believe they would cover for them on this phony scandal
as well?
So, those of you who bought this story, how does it feel to have been
had? There was no secret torture regime. There was no clandestine, rogue
operation proceeding with the blessing of the Oval Office. There were a
very limited number of occasions when the U.S. used enhanced
interrogation techniques to get crucially needed information, and on
those occasions we bent over backwards to stay within the confines of
the law, and informed Congress – Democrats included – every step of the
This whole thing has been nothing but a bunch of B.S. from the very
beginning, and you fell for it.
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