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May 14, 2009
Christians Dig Hot Sex!
And Classy Chicks Like Carrie Prejean
we enter Day Whatever It Is of the Destroy Carrie Prejean Campaign, let
me explain something about Christians – not the ones you hear about in
Salon or on MSNBC, but real-life Christians.
First, it will shock you to know that Christians are strongly in favor
of sex. I personally am in favor of as much of it as possible,
especially for me. (Hang on, I’ll be right back. I bet my wife would
like it if I did the dishes.)
this seems like a silly thing to point out, I point it out nonetheless
because there is an undercurrent of thinking (undercurrent – that’s a
good word for it) that Christians are uptight, prudish Harriet
Nelson-types who think married couples should sleep in twin beds. (Then
again, where do you think Ricky and his brothers came from? Ozzie had
skilz, brutha. Skilz!)
There may be some Christians who hate sex, just as many of you
non-Christians hate it, but not because we think we’re supposed to. More
likely than not, those who hate it do so because they’ve gone down a
sexual path that is either dissatisfying, self-destructive, lacking
intimacy or just plain boring. Or maybe you’ve pursued it in a way that
makes you feel guilty, and that’s why you hate it.
But no Christian hates sex because he or she thinks God wants them to
hate it. Are you kidding me? Sex rocks.
when you lambaste Carrie Prejean for having posed for sexy pictures,
let’s be honest. You don’t really have a moral objection to the
pictures. You’d probably do it yourself if anyone would pay you enough.
You’re attacking her because you think you’ve got her with the cheapest
ploy in the book – hypocrisy.
“You Christians condemn the rest of us for having sex!” you say. “And
yet your little beauty queen is going around flashing her assets to
anyone and everyone who wants to look! Hypocrites!”
About that. Flashing one’s breasts for public consumption is not
recommended, but neither is the amount of fettuccine alfredo I typically
eat on a Friday night. God doesn’t have a category of sins that bother
him less than others. He has, to be clear, a mass of people he created
and loves, and he constantly offers us his grace because we need it. If
Carrie Prejean posed for boob pictures, it’s for her and God to sort
The only reason you attack her for this is to invalidate her answer to a
question she probably didn’t even want to be asked. It wasn’t Carrie
Prejean who decided to make gay marriage an issue in the Miss USA
contest, after all. It was the self-aggrandizing “judge,” gossip-monger
Perez Hilton, who brought it up, then became apoplectic at her answer –
going on the radio shortly thereafter to call her a bitch, and something
else that starts with the next letter of the alphabet.
Dude (if that’s what you are), if you can’t handle someone voicing
opposition to your pet cause, don’t go around asking. That’s how a man
would handle things. Oh right, I forgot.
Instead, Ms. Prejean is forced to operate under a standard that says,
because she is a Christian, mind you, any expression in support of
traditional Christian morality automatically makes her a legitimate
target for a media rectal exam into her private life. Has she posed for
naughty pictures? Has she dropped an F-bomb? Oh my God, has she had
“Hey! Don’t blame us for asking!” say the societal proctologists. “She’s
the one who decided to make grand pronouncements of moral superiority!
That’s how she made herself a legitimate target!”
Now you know the rules. Because the Perez Hiltons of the world do not
advocate anything moral, there’s no sense looking into their private
lives, because they’re incapable by definition of being hypocrites.
Conversely, anyone who advocates a moral standard of any kind not only
can, but must, be the subject of a veritable living autopsy to determine
if they are stained by any imperfection whatsoever. And when one is
found, as it inevitably will be, all moral advocacy will be hereby
invalidated forever.
It’s perfect! High-stakes gambling is OK because Bill Bennett did it.
Adultery is OK because Jimmy Swaggart did it. Robbing people blind? Jim
Baaker! (Sorry, Chrysler bondholders.) And sexual deviancy of any kind?
Look! There’s Carrie Prejean’s nipples!
Here’s a clue if you want it, which you probably don’t: Christians dig
sex, the hotter the better, and make no claim to be perfect. What we do
seek is a closer relationship to God, which means trying harder every
day to love others and obey his perfect will. When we mess up, we
confess and ask forgiveness.
When you mess up, Perez and friends, you point to us and say, “Look at
I’ll stick with our way. As for Carrie, it appears
she can take care of herself, which is because she has character and
class – and her attackers have none, which is, after all, the reason
they attack her in the first place.
© 2009 North Star
Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.
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