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December 17, 2008
If You Must Bail Out
the Automakers, Mr. President, Insist On These Conditions
Dear President Bush,
looks like the future of Michigan is entirely in your hands, and I don’t
mean that in a please-save-us sense.
Look, I don’t think you should give the Big Three any Troubled Asset
Relief Program money at all. You yourself said that’s not what it was
intended for, and you warned against throwing good money after bad. You
won’t go wrong by following your own advice.
But since you seem determined not to let General Motors (and maybe
Chrysler) collapse on your watch, let’s talk terms.
and Chrysler – and more importantly, the United Auto Workers – think
they dodged a bullet last week by refusing to give in to the demands of
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker that they bring wage and benefit costs in line
with those of the Japanese transplants by a date certain, and soon. They
were confident they could let the Senate bill collapse because you would
save them without insisting on the same conditions Corker wanted.
Insist. Please. If you do, you give Michigan a shot at an economic
future brimming with possibilities. If, by contrast, you save them now
without forcing them to change dramatically – even if only to keep them
alive until this becomes the Obama Administration’s problem – you will
miss an historic opportunity.
This is consistent with your decision-making style, don’t you think?
You’re the president who sent the troops into Iraq because you had no
confidence in the feckless platitudes of the UN and the International
Atomic Energy Agency. You had the courage to fix the problem once and
for all. Fixing Michigan requires nothing less.
Since you have GM, Chrysler and the UAW over a barrel, here’s what you
need to demand from them:
Labor cost parity
with the transplants by no later than the end of 2009. UAW president
Ron Gettelfinger is trying to insist that they’re already
competitive, but in making this argument he conveniently leaves out
the cost of retiree health benefits. Most likely, the retirees are
going to have to accept major concessions on their health packages.
There’s no avoiding this. Labor-cost parity is a must.
Work-rule reform.
This is a huge hidden cost. Everyone in Michigan has heard the
stories of the assembly line that was clacking away until the union
steward came running up, complaining that the line was “too
productive,” and ordered the whole thing slowed down. Everyone has
heard the stories of workers who are under orders to spend every 18
minutes sitting for 17 and working for one. These are not urban
legends, as implausible as they sound. Get to the bottom of it, and
put a stop to it.
Concessions from
debt-holders and suppliers are surely necessary, but recognize this:
Many of the suppliers have worked for little or no profit for years
because the Big Three, unable to control their labor costs, try to
compensate by squeezing suppliers on price. That has denied the
suppliers capital they could have used to diversify and become less
dependent on the Big Three. Reforms in procurement, which would
allow suppliers to operate their own business models more
rationally, would prevent the kind of crisis in which one company’s
potential collapse can bring down so many more.
Don’t let
Michigan’s state government off the hook. Michigan’s high-tax,
high-cost-of-business policies are designed to prop up the Big
Three, which gets the exemptions and abatements it needs, at the
expense of entrepreneurial ventures. Meanwhile, labor laws here
continue to empower unions at the expense of workers who care about
productivity. Michigan policymakers are among the beggars. Make them
clean up their act as well.
no means should you stop with these four items, but you should start
with them. Michigan will remain a mess unless it is forced to change,
and you’re in a uniquely powerful position to wield force. If they
protest that a short-term $14 billion lifeline isn’t worth completely
reforming our way of life here, say fine. Let your state die, then.
you play this right, the last act of your presidency could be to bring a
state out of its economic dream world and into a position from which it
can become competitive in the future.
you’ve made up your mind that you’re going to do this – and we all know
how you get when you’ve got your mind made up – at least impose the
kinds of reforms that just might make this $14 billion a decent
investment after all.
© 2008 North Star
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