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November 24, 2008
No, Detroit, It’s
You Who Doesn’t Understand
Apparently the rest of America just doesn’t understand. So says the
Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press, Detroit-area talk show
hosts and business and political leaders of all shapes and sizes. Mean
old America. Criticizing the Big Three automakers without having our
facts straight or understanding the car business.
The car business is indeed difficult to understand from outside the
Detroit bubble. It is difficult to understand hundreds of billions of
dollars thrown at people and things that contribute nothing to the
generation of revenue. It is difficult to understand how a company can
believe it deserves to survive, in spite of the consumer market’s mass
rejection of its products, because J.D. Power & Associates gave it a
“quality award.”
To survive in business, you have to make a profit. Period. Nothing else
matters. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler don’t do that, so they
deserve to die.
But if you want to understand why they don’t make a profit, all
you need to do is look at two schemes concocted along with the United
Auto Workers – the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) and
the UAW Jobs Bank. The two entities work in different ways, but they
have one devastating fact in common. Both require the automakers to pay
billions to people who don’t do any work for them.
The VEBA, which is actually being hailed by Detroit media and civic
leadership as a positive measure, is in reality a way for the UAW
to protect its retirees from losing their health benefits in the event
of an automaker bankruptcy. Negotiated by GM in 2007, it requires the
UAW to administer retiree health benefits beginning in January 2010.
That’s the part the industry’s defenders keep pointing to – the notion
that it offloads retiree benefits onto the union, as if the union was
going to pay these benefits out of its own pocket.
fact, GM is required to continue spending $1.8 billion a year through
the end of 2009 on retiree health benefits, while also bankrolling the
VEBA to the tune of an astounding $24.1 billion so the funds are ready
for the UAW to begin administering on January 1, 2010.
And that’s not all. GM will be required to make up to 20 additional
annual payments of $165 million apiece in order to guarantee that
retiree health benefits for UAW members are not reduced at all
for 25 years. This is what the Big Three would have us believe amounts
to legacy cost relief.
But even that is not as outrageous as the Jobs Bank. Established in
1984, the original purpose of the Jobs Bank was to keep workers
available during temporary layoffs when the emerging technology of the
time was causing short-term displacement of workers. A worker would
receive 95 percent of his or her wage for up to two years – again,
through a fund administered by the UAW but funded by the Big Three –
until a new job opened up.
Today, of course, with the Big Three’s need for labor a fraction of
what it once was, the Jobs Bank has become little more than an extended
paid vacation for workers the Big Three would have us believe they have
stopped paying. They haven’t. The Jobs Bank has been downsized to
only 1,000 workers, compared with a whopping 12,000 as recently as
2005, but it’s still in existence, and still defended by the UAW.
UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, who is predictably coming under fire
from all quarters for clinging to these perks, held an astounding news
conference late last week in which he insisted that none of this has
caused the problem. Again citing the struggling economy and the consumer
credit crunch, Gettelfinger began howling, “It’s not our fault! It’s
not our fault!”
was an eye-opening scene, and surely illustrative for anyone who is just
now getting introduced to economic thinking, Detroit-style. If my
eight-year-old talked like that, I would send him to his room. In
Detroit, this passes for community leadership.
Every time a parochial community defender of the Big Three insists that
the rest of us just don’t understand the car business, someone really
needs to tell them: When you’re desperately running out of cash and may
not survive, you need to cut your labor costs now, not in two
years. When you can’t make a profit on your products because you spend
too much, you need to stop paying people who don’t work for you
entirely, not contract out to have someone else do it for you on
your dime.
No, Detroit. It’s you who doesn’t understand. Not because people
haven’t been trying to warn you for decades that you were marching
headlong into economic suicide, but because you didn’t want to hear it.
And now your automotive bubble is about to explode and destroy you with
Congress would be insane to help sustain the way this industry does
business. It is utter madness.
© 2008 North Star
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