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October 8, 2007
Abortion Ban Will
Never Happen; Pro-Life Movement Needs New Plan
It’s time for the fight against abortion to move to a new front. An
honest look at the landscape suggests that the longtime goal of the
pro-life movement – the banning of abortion – is never going to be
We need to try something else.
believe a fetus is a human being who deserves protection under the law
from being killed. But if the goal is to save the lives of unborn
children – and it should be – we need to look at our primary line of
attack and see what it has achieved, and what it is likely to achieve in
the future.
In the 34 years since Roe v. Wade struck down all state laws
restricting abortion, we have not been able to get that decision
reversed. Even with Republican control of the White House during 22 of
those 34 years – and a 100 percent turnover of the Supreme Court, with
seven of the nine current justices having been appointed by Republican
presidents – the ruling stands.
And consider what a Roe v. Wade reversal would do. It would
merely start 50 individual battles in 50 states. Some states will pass
bans. Some will not. Women who want abortions will travel to the states
where abortion remains legal. And the five justices who would presumably
vote to throw out Roe will not serve forever. Eventually they
will leave the Court, and chances are we will again see the day when a
there is a liberal Court majority. When that happens, someone will sue
again to overturn the states’ abortion restrictions, and win. It will be
Roe v. Wade 2, and it will be 1973 all over again.
The pro-life camp does not want to hear this, but we can never win this
battle. The abortion rights people will never give up, and even if we
can ever win back control of every branch of government (which, you may
recall, we appeared to have from 2001-2007), we won’t be able to keep
that control forever, which would be mandatory in order to keep any ban
in place.
In the meantime, American politics are absurdly twisted by the issue of
abortion, to the point where some people’s choices begin and end with
this single issue. I wrote a column last week in which I took Focus on
the Family’s Dr. James Dobson to task for threatening to run a
third-party candidate if the pro-choice Rudy Giuliani wins the
Republican nomination.
Some of the fellow Christians I know and respect responded by telling
me, in all seriousness, that there is no difference between Giuliani and
Hillary Clinton because both are pro-choice. I understand why fervently
pro-life people do not see Giuliani as an ideal choice, but to say he is
the equivalent of Hillary Clinton is simply absurd.
Now, what would life be like for the pro-life movement if it
collectively gave up on the idea of banning abortion? What could the
pro-life community accomplish if it saved all the money it puts into
political campaigns, and used the time and money instead to simply take
its message directly to the public:
“An unborn child
deserves to be allowed to live.”
One of the most compelling arguments of the abortion rights movement –
that pro-lifers are trying to control your life and take away your
rights – would be instantly obliterated. In a larger sense, secular
America’s dire warnings of the “scary” religious right that wants to use
government to impose its beliefs on everyone else won’t hold much water
if we’re trying to use persuasion instead of politics.
Conservatives are supposed to believe in small government. Yet we seem
to want government to do the heavy lifting for us in making America a
more moral nation. Are we sure we want that? Remember, if government
takes the lead in promoting Christian standards when we win, we might
not like what it does when we lose. And at some point, we are
going to lose.
When Jesus told the Pharisees to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,
and render unto God what is God’s,” he was acknowledging that government
is a secular institution that is necessary for an orderly society, but
is not the institution anyone should expect to do God’s work on Earth.
It is time for the pro-life movement to say to the institution of
government: “We wish you would protect the unborn, but we obviously
cannot rely on you to do so, so we’ll do it ourselves.”
How? By modeling the love of Jesus in your own life and to the people
around you.
If a woman finds herself facing an unwanted pregnancy, but has an
attitude of selflessness and a belief that the child she’s carrying is
worth the sacrifice, that woman is much more likely to carry the child
to term. Reorienting itself to this objective will not be easy for the
pro-life movement. But it is achievable, and it would save the lives of
countless babies.
Trying to get abortion banned through the political process is not
achievable. It is wasting our resources and twisting our political
thinking in absurd ways.
It’s time to try what can actually work.
© 2007 North Star
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